Don’t Wing It!

Sometimes we want things so much we just can’t wait. So, we start without a plan. We wing it!

So, what’s wrong with that?

Well, when we wing it we do a lot of trial and error.

Example: Creating a recipe from the top of your head. If you are lucky, you will succeed on the first try. But if you do not succeed on the first try, you tweak things a little. That makes things better or worse. Then we continue to make adjustments. We do a little more of this and a little less of that.

But, when the recipe is finished and you like what you made, how do you make it again?

You know how you started. You know what ingredients you used. But at this point, you really don’t remember what you did. So, when you want to recreate this masterpiece,  you have to wing it all over again. And that is OK. But it isn’t the easiest way to go about making that dish again.

It is OK to wing it when you are making a recipe. You will eventually get  the recipe the way you like it. But is winging it the best way to transform your life?

Transforming your life is not winging it. If you try to wing it when it comes to your life, you will just end up spinning your wheels. You will try this and that. Sometimes it will get better and sometimes it will get worse. And the thing is, you won’t know what you did to make it better or to make it worse. You need specific, measurable results. How do you do that? By having a plan.

To transform your life you need to truly understand your need, your motivator, what it is you really seek. What pain you are trying to avoid and what pleasure will replace it. The empowering alternative from what you are currently doing which  will fill your need at a higher level. And you need conditioning, practice, and support. Hypnosis, which you can do yourself, is a helpful tool for this. Hypnosis turns off your conscious mind. It turns on your subconscious mind, and gives you permission to change.

Lisa Y. Life Coach