It starts with you


It all starts with you.

What you think and feel about the world around you reflects how you feel about you. If you think people can or cannot be trusted, it is because you do or do not trust yourself. If you think others judge you, it is because you judge yourself. If you think others do or do not like you, it is because you do or do not like you. If you don’t feel loved by others, you don’t love yourself.

How you treat others is how you treat yourself. If you respect yourself, you get respect back. If you are impatient with others, you are impatient with yourself. If you are angry with others, you are angry with yourself.

What ever causes you pain, it starts with you. I know that is a hard truth. We would rather blame others for our pain.  But the good news is since it starts with you; it ends with you.

Unconditional love. This is where the pain ends and the healing begins. The love you have for you. You are a loving person. You put a lot of love out there. Now, bring it back to you.

Imagine all that love you have put into the world. All the kind and generous things you have done are now coming back to you. Open your heart. Know that no matter your short comings you are a good person. Think of all the ways you cared, given to others, put faith in others. You have given trust. You took a chance on others in many times and many ways.  You had patience with a child, an elder person, a pet. You have been true to yourself. You have had compassion.

You have had moments when you faltered. But you are not perfect. So forgive your short comings.

Give yourself unconditional love. How does it feel? Do you feel a weight has been lifted? At first you may feel weak. Your initial reaction may be that you have lost something. Well, you have. You lost all that negativity. But then you should feel warmth and peace.

Now, your world changes. What you actively put into the world is positive. And what is returned is positive. Your point of view has changed. No longer are you a victim. No longer is the world doing things or treating you a certain way. You are influencing your world and feeling empowered.

You can smile now because you know it starts and ends with you. You create your world.

Lisa Y., life coach