Dying for kindness


I think we should treat everyone as if they were dying. Think of how differently you would treat them…kindness, gentleness, love, peace, true tolerance and patience. We would bond as just plain humans. Providing comfort and small gestures of pleasure would be a priority.

How would you treat others if you thought they were dying? Only evil people would not have the ability to act humanely.

Maybe we should have “Pretend They Are Dying”

The way we treat people is a habit. We can change the habit.

Lisa Y. Life Coach


Never wrong

My two goals of this blog:

1) I want to build up people. I am a very spiritual person, and my first goal is to share my philosophy about life. I want to lift your spiritual side. Do you feel lost? Are you seeking meaning or purpose? Do wonder what it is all about? Well, I think I know. I can discuss the big questions in life. Purpose? Why bad things happen? Why prayers not always answered? Ask me at www.facebook.com/lisaylifecoach. Whatever the question, I have the answer.

2) Transformation coaching. My method of coaching is strategy coaching. Everything we do or don’t do every problem comes down to 4 survival needs. When you understand your inner drive, you transform from the inside out.

Me: I am someone who has learned to  distill wisdom from life’s experiences. I have insatiable curiosity about people. I have sensibility and a nonjudgmental attitude. I am really open. I believe in truth and have a high level of courage to tell the truth.

You have the answer in you. What I do is to guide you to the answer. And when you have found it, I will confirm it.

My slogan is co-answer, co-achieve. 

I know what it is to feel lost, confused, that life is hopeless. So who am I to tell others about life? Who am I to lift up the spiritual life of other people? I have risen above all of that.

I have seen that life works out, and knowing that you can relax and lose your fear. There are no coincidences in life. Everything happens for a reason. There are no mistakes, and you are never wrong.

Woulda, coulda, shoulda are irrelevant. Everything is exactly as it is supposed to be. I know, that is hard to believe when life is troubled. But it is true. You are as you are supposed to be. Your parents are the people they were meant to be.

I know. It sounds like I am just going to tell you that life is filled with peace, love, rainbows and unicorns. No, I am not going to tell you that. I will admit that sometimes life sucks. I will admit that there are reasons to feel sad and hopeless and even full of despair. I have felt that way too. But when you relax and know with confidence that things do get better, you can come out of bad times. I have. You can too.

Thank you for your time.

Lisa Y., life coach






Don’t Wing It!

Sometimes we want things so much we just can’t wait. So, we start without a plan. We wing it!

So, what’s wrong with that?

Well, when we wing it we do a lot of trial and error.

Example: Creating a recipe from the top of your head. If you are lucky, you will succeed on the first try. But if you do not succeed on the first try, you tweak things a little. That makes things better or worse. Then we continue to make adjustments. We do a little more of this and a little less of that.

But, when the recipe is finished and you like what you made, how do you make it again?

You know how you started. You know what ingredients you used. But at this point, you really don’t remember what you did. So, when you want to recreate this masterpiece,  you have to wing it all over again. And that is OK. But it isn’t the easiest way to go about making that dish again.

It is OK to wing it when you are making a recipe. You will eventually get  the recipe the way you like it. But is winging it the best way to transform your life?

Transforming your life is not winging it. If you try to wing it when it comes to your life, you will just end up spinning your wheels. You will try this and that. Sometimes it will get better and sometimes it will get worse. And the thing is, you won’t know what you did to make it better or to make it worse. You need specific, measurable results. How do you do that? By having a plan.

To transform your life you need to truly understand your need, your motivator, what it is you really seek. What pain you are trying to avoid and what pleasure will replace it. The empowering alternative from what you are currently doing which  will fill your need at a higher level. And you need conditioning, practice, and support. Hypnosis, which you can do yourself, is a helpful tool for this. Hypnosis turns off your conscious mind. It turns on your subconscious mind, and gives you permission to change.

Lisa Y. Life Coach


I’m an empath

I want to share a BIG part of who I am. I am an empath.

In case you are not familiar with what an empath is let me explain. In very general terms, an empath is very sensitive to the world. Our sensitivity ranges from somewhat sensitive to extremely sensitive. Me, I am in the middle, but my empath side of me is growing.

Why am I telling you this? As an empath, I have a knack for sensing more about what is going on with you than an average person. I am not a mind reader so I don’t know your secrets unless you tell me. But I can sense what it hidden. I can read more into what you are or are not saying.

What does this mean to you? Sometimes, people have a hard time expressing what is on their minds and in their heart. As an empath, I can facilitate that better than a non-empath. I can ask better questions that lead to the core of the issue and the strategy to turn things around.

Quicker results. The quicker you get to the core of the issue and create a strategy the quicker you transform your world.

But, I can’t do it myself. You do have to participate. You have to be frank with yourself. You have the answer. You just don’t know you have the answer.

Lisa Y. Life Coach




Break the Silence


So, let me tell you a true story.

In a nutshell, a woman I know was terribly hurt by her family. There were broken promises. A big brother who failed to protect her from financial disaster in her dealings with her nephew. A nephew who lost business investment money lent for the high of heroine. And to top it off a side comment while in jail to rob and kill her for what ever money is left for even more heroine money.

She told her  brother and his wife and her nephew, currently in prison,  how much pain they have put her through. Their response is silence. I have pondered why the silence. That is what I do. I ponder. The answer is this. The silence means they are sorry. How do I know? Well, if they were talking, that would mean they don’t care. They would just go on as if nothing ever happened. But,  they have no words to respond. There are no excuses. There is no justification.

On one hand this is good in a way especially on the part of the nephew. Why? Well, there is genuine remorse. That means there is true intention for him  to make it right. Where there is remorse there is desire to make it right.

On the other hand, they are silent. She reached out.  because she could not be silent. And, she wanted them to say they are sorry. She wanted assurances they will make it right. But the silence is deafening. It seems like she reached out and no one is there.

What to do?

It starts with the nephew. He will be released soon from prison. The exact date is unknown, but by the end of August. Now, this is good and bad. It is bad as there is still that jail house comment about robbing and killing her. It is good as there is opportunity to meet and work this out. They need to work it out. The money lent cannot be lost. The nephew has an incredible ability to make money legally when he puts his mind to it. The current silence says he has every intention to do just that.

They need to break the silence.

They need to come face to face. She needs to tell him face to face how much pain he has caused. He needs to respond. He needs to apologize. A plan to make it right needs to be made. Then, the nephew needs to talk to his parents and siblings. He needs to bring everyone together.

In coaching terms:

There is the diagnosis. What is the need? Love and connection.

Then there is leverage. The positive reason to change the pain no one can bear any longer to the pleasure of eliminating that pain.

There is the empowering alternative. This is the strategy for meting the need, love and connection, on a higher level.

Finally, there is conditioning. Take action to get away from the bad influences and into the good. Creating support.

The key point here is break the silence.  If you have been hurt, don’t be silent. If you hurt another, don’t be silent. Be brave. Find the words to express how bad you feel. Then, following the coaching steps above, work it out.

Just with what you know,  you may think this situation has little hope of being resolved. If you knew  the details which would make your head spin, you would have little hope this will be resolved. He did make that rob and kill comment after all. But I know it will be resolved. It starts with breaking the silence.

Lisa Y. life coach


Make the change

You, Yes You!

Make a change. For once in your life, make a change. It’s gonna feel real good. You’re gonna make a difference, and you’re gonna make it right.

Look at your life, and then make a change.

 Make it right.  If you want to make your world a better place, take a look at your life then make that change.

Look at yourself. Tell yourself to change your ways, and make that change.

Get it right while you still have the time. Open your heart and open your mind. Wanna make your world a better place? Look at your life and make a change.

I’m asking you to change your ways. You. Yes You.  If you want to make your world a better place, make a change.

If you want to make your world a better place, make a change. 

Gonna feel good now!

Come on! Change!

Lift yourself up!

You know you want more. You’ve got to start. Make that change today!

Make the move!

Come on!

Stand up! Stand Up! Stand Up!

Make that change!

Lift yourself up!

Make that change!

Lisa Y. Life coach



It starts with you


It all starts with you.

What you think and feel about the world around you reflects how you feel about you. If you think people can or cannot be trusted, it is because you do or do not trust yourself. If you think others judge you, it is because you judge yourself. If you think others do or do not like you, it is because you do or do not like you. If you don’t feel loved by others, you don’t love yourself.

How you treat others is how you treat yourself. If you respect yourself, you get respect back. If you are impatient with others, you are impatient with yourself. If you are angry with others, you are angry with yourself.

What ever causes you pain, it starts with you. I know that is a hard truth. We would rather blame others for our pain.  But the good news is since it starts with you; it ends with you.

Unconditional love. This is where the pain ends and the healing begins. The love you have for you. You are a loving person. You put a lot of love out there. Now, bring it back to you.

Imagine all that love you have put into the world. All the kind and generous things you have done are now coming back to you. Open your heart. Know that no matter your short comings you are a good person. Think of all the ways you cared, given to others, put faith in others. You have given trust. You took a chance on others in many times and many ways.  You had patience with a child, an elder person, a pet. You have been true to yourself. You have had compassion.

You have had moments when you faltered. But you are not perfect. So forgive your short comings.

Give yourself unconditional love. How does it feel? Do you feel a weight has been lifted? At first you may feel weak. Your initial reaction may be that you have lost something. Well, you have. You lost all that negativity. But then you should feel warmth and peace.

Now, your world changes. What you actively put into the world is positive. And what is returned is positive. Your point of view has changed. No longer are you a victim. No longer is the world doing things or treating you a certain way. You are influencing your world and feeling empowered.

You can smile now because you know it starts and ends with you. You create your world.

Lisa Y., life coach




You are not committed to changing your life


What will you lose if you don’t change? How will that feel?

What will you gain if you do change? How will that feel? 

Who will you become if you do change? How will that feel?

You are not ready to commit to change.  

If you were serious about changing your life, you would commit to it. How do I know you are not committed? Because you are seeking the answers by reading  this and not acting.

No one wants a coach. Why? Because they hold you accountable. But, when you are ready to contact a coach, and have someone hold you accountable then you are committed.

When you are ready to pay a coach, then you are ready. Hey, life coaches, we are not that coach you remember in High School or the coach you see on television yelling and screaming. We are listeners who use gentle guidance. But if you want a tough coach, I can do that.

When you are ready to do what a coach asks you to do, and you are willing to do it even if you don’t want to do it, then you are ready.

Until you are willing to commit, and do what you have to do to change,  you won’t be happy. You won’t feel fulfilled.

Something in your life if screwed up. Why else would you be reading this? Well, you really can’t make it worse. Turn it around. What ever is screwed up it will not change on it’s own.

I can be the steward for the life you want most. Unlock your full potential. Get unstuck.

I can help you prosper.

It isn’t as hard as you think:

Step 1: Diagnosis. What is your motivator? What is the most important need you have? There are only 4 options so it is not that hard to figure out. You already know what it is. You just don’t know that you know.

Step 2: Leverage. Using your desire to eliminate the pain from your life to have more pleasure.  What isn’t working for you?

Step 3: Empowering alternative. Find what will meet your need on a higher level.

Step 4: Conditioning. Action. Start a new habit. Leave bad influences behind and get into positive places.

Hypnosis. Getting into a deep meditation to put your subconscious to work by telling your subconscious it is OK to change. If you want, You can do this yourself if you want. I can show you.

What will you lose if you don’t change? How will that feel?

What will you gain if you do change? How will that feel? 

Who will you become if you do change? How will that feel?

EVENT: Monday March 20th 10:00 a.m. -4:00 p.m. Pacific Time I will be on Facebook. Contact me. We can chat. It’s free!

To participate: www.facebook.com/lisaylifecoach




Book challenge


I took a vacation. Did you miss me?

So, I am starting a new challenge. I have a list of the 75 best books in the last 75 years.

I am not much of a reader. I have a very restless mind. But, I am making a challenge to read one book a month, and I am going to follow this list.

I am looking to find people who would like to join me and have a little book club. I am striving for one a month. If this sounds fun to you, my first book is A Tree Grows In Brooklyn. I just ordered it. So, I don’t have an official start date. But the arrival of my copy is due anywhere between 3/ 9 and 3/24. I will start reading when it comes.

OK. if you are interested, I invite you to like and follow me at: www.facebook.com/lisaylifecoach


Lisay life coach