Hear it, get it



So, I had the most amazing coaching session yesterday. Without going into details, this woman already knew certain things to be true. She knew it necessary to accept people as they are rather than wish they were more like her. She understood that everyone does their best. And yet, they don’t always live up to our hopes and expectations.

hearing it to get it

There is a difference between knowing something and accepting  it. We know what makes us unhappy.

In this case, this woman knew that other people are the way they are. She knew that they, like all of us, have their limitations. But, it still bothered her when people did not treat her the way she would treat them. But during her session, she heard this message. She heard that other people have their standards. And it clicked. Yes, people do their best. She always knew that but it as not until she heard someone else say it that it really sank in.

Then she realized that others were not trying to hurt her. They did not mean to hurt her. They were treating her the way the would expect to be treated. They really did not understand how they were hurting her.

prefer VS want

To not be disappointed in other people, it is important to understand the difference between prefer and want.

There is a way that we want things to be. This is how things would be if we were in charge of the world.

If we change want  to prefer, then we accept things as they are. We accept the world as it is. We accept people have faults. They are imperfect, and have different standards. If you can do this, you will relax and go with the flow of life.

RAT Relationship Acceptance Training learn to accept others as they are. Reconcile. Accept. Together.

I hope this helps.

Lisa Y coaching
