Peace 365

Merry Christmas!

This is a time of year where more than one religion celebrates life. We celebrate peace, love, and good will toward all. Today is a day that I am over come with the desire to wave at the cars and the people going by my house. I want to see children playing with new toys, bicycles and scooters.

My question is why does it have to end?

A Christmas Carol stopped the war for one night.

You may be familiar with the story of how during the World War I on Christmas Eve, the Christmas carol “Silent Night” stopped the fighting. Soldiers from both sides sat together. The ate together. They drank together. They sang “Silent Night” in both English and German. Then the next day, back to fighting.

OK so, I can understand that. They had a job to do. Being soldiers, they had to fight the enemy.

But what is our excuse?

Peace 365

Why can’t we be peaceful every day? Why do we, like the soldiers on that cold Christmas Eve back in 1914, feel peace in our hearts for a short time then go back to fighting? Frankly, some people just don’t want peace I guess. But that does not have to stop the rest of us.

What changes?

Why do we have so much love this month and it fades away. Now, don’t get me wrong. It does not disappear completely. We still care about others the rest of the year, but it is not the same, is it?

To me, it should me easier the rest of the year because we are not running around in so many directions. We are not getting pushed and shoved around at the mall. We are not wrapping gifts. We are not planning special dinners.

One day at a time

Here is my idea. Let us each morning get up and say to ourselves, “I will live  today as if it were Christmas, Hanukkah or any other day of peace.”

Let us try to keep the peace going. Let us not be like those soldiers all those years ago. Let us not have one big day of peace and then back to fighting.

Yes! This is a bit corny. But hey, it’s Christmas.


Lisa Y. coaching