Capability for greatness

From the Creator:

Yes, my child I am the universe, the plants, the trees, the air and the wind. I am also you my child. If you believe, as you do, that I hold the power to create life, and all that is, then why my child would you not believe you hold the same strength within you?

I made you. I built you…..every fiber of your being I know…every hair on your head I have counted….every breath you take I know and feel.

And when the time comes that the physical human body you have been traveling in on the earth plane no longer serves you, I will also know and feel when it passes. And with great joy, welcome your spirit back to become one with me again and again.

You see my child  I am know of all that exists. I indeed know when you are feeling unworthy of the very greatness that you were created with. If you believe that I have built this magnificent machine from the blood, cells, bones, skin and stand in awe of how it works. Then why may I ask do you not believe you are capable of greatness?

I am greatness….yet you are not I ask?

How can that be?

We. You and I are two halves of a whole. How can half of the whole not be as worthy, beautiful, smart and powerful as the other half?

Why do you deny me?

The Creator of all that is to be left here as a half.

Why do you insist on carrying your burdens on your own? It is as if you are the car and I am the motor, the car does not run or move forward without a motor, correct? I see you get out and try pushing the car and it rolls a while and you quickly get in the driver seat only to come to a slow halt….again.

You sit the bewildered as you observe cars of all shapes and sizes whizzing past you honking and waving as they pass by.

WHAT? Whhhhhaaaaaatttttt……

You get out of you jalopy and try changing the tires. You only have 3 tires. Oh well, you think, 3 is better than the ones that are on the ole girl now as you again try to pull onto the highway. Only to realize the tire you did no replace is now flat.
You hang your head to cry as you just give up and lie down in the front seat of the car.

Why my child? Why?

I am right here.
I am not the “tow” truck….I am the engine of your car. I am “your” energy.


Why do you insist on driving a jalopy when I have a private jet waiting on you, all fueled up ready to take you anywhere your heart desire.


There is the answer!
Your heart!
Have you checked it recently? Go ahead. Put your hand on your heart. I will wait.
No really. Do it. Feel it. Listen to it with your hand. Listen very close. Breathe deep and listen a little longer.

Go into your mind as you are listening to your heart. I’ll bet you are being shown a happy time in your life, of you playing as a child, with a favorite dog, or a blissful time on the back of a horse.

Yes. You remember.
The joy.
Your heart….
This….beautiful hearts desire.

This my child is the very thing that brings you back to the whole. “We” are no longer two halves now.

Wipe the tears away.
And, feel it again.

This is where I am….in the heart. I am the engine of your car, just as your car will not run without an engine. You my child can not run without your heart. You are a God’s spark….the universal energy.

Look around. I did not create the person next to you any differently than you. Think about it. No….really think about it.

You are all energy. You are created from source energy.

What is no longer serving you today…..
Let go of it.

“It” is just a story….that’s all….just a story.

Put you hand on your heart again and listen. Let the sound of your heart fill your entire being.
Sit in its strength….and gather my power that is YOU!

All is well. Go in peace.

Lisa Y coaching