Ladies and Gentlemen


Times change. People change. Some change is good. Changes that create progress are good. But some changes seem to move us backwards as a society.

There was a time when people were more polite. There was a time when they were more considerate. People didn’t used to be so rude. People did not used to be so angry.

Lady: a woman who is refined, polite, and well-spoken

Gentleman: a civilized, educated, sensitive, or well-mannered man

There was a time when cussing or just foul language in public was rare. It was actually shocking. It was mostly done by men and men considered to be of low class. It was not used in everyday conversations. It was not used in music. It was rarely used by women. It was not casual.

Today, it is everywhere. One can barely get through a day without hearing the “F” word at least once. More than that, it is nearly impossible to get through a day without seeing someone “give the finger”. What is even more is that it not even shocking anymore. What was once used to give shock value to some thing now is virtually meaningless.

So, what is the big deal?

For starters it is rude. Saying crude, foul language and giving the finger is just plain trashy.

Anger. More than that this foul language and gesture expresses anger. It multiplies anger. It generates anger. Think about it. Do you feel more or less angry when you use certain language and gesture? Well, personally, I feel more angry. Just making a fist in anger makes you feel more angry.

Where are we headed? When did R rated movies become the norm? There was a time when seeing an R rated movie was edgy.

 I guess this all has to do with people becoming more and more in need of stimulation.

Loud. Why are we so loud? Have you ever noticed that people talk very loudly? We don’t have “indoor” voices anymore.

The point is that we have become a society of people who desperately need stimulation. We talk very loudly. We talk trash, and give rude gestures. So? So, all of this is promoting and spreading negativity and anger. We are becoming more and more angry.

We are out of control. We can’t control ourselves anymore. We can’t control our words. We can’t control our actions. We cuss, use foul language, cut each other off in traffic, we honk at cars who travel the speed limit. We use rude gestures all the time. This is all “knee jerk” reactions.

We are supposed to be evolving. But I hardly consider this to be evolving. All we have proven in the last 40 years is that women can be as rude as men. There are very few ladies and gentlemen any more. Actually, I cringe every time I hear those words misused. Ever watch a show with the police referring to a criminal as that gentleman. Really? No, he is not a gentleman for a gentleman would not be committing a crime.

Ladies and gentlemen are not rude. They are not crude. They are not so filled with anger that they cannot control their words or actions. They are polite, they are considerate. They don’t spit in public. They don’t litter. They are courteous. They are patient.

Challenge: I challenge you to become ladies and gentlemen. Stop using foul language. Stop using crude gestures. Stop talking loudly. Use your inside voices again. Be polite and considerate. Don’t litter. Take your trash home instead of throwing it out the car window. Don’t spit in public.

Why? To regain control. To relieve the anger. The more we act a certain way the angrier we are getting. I want to see us be more at peace. Controlling ourselves is the first step. How can we control the world, the environment, if we can’t control ourselves? To start the process of living in harmony.

If we all do this, we will be happier. We won’t be filled with so much hate.


Have a peaceful day!

Lisa Y. coaching,