Elections, sports, and legal cases

Hey Friend~

How are you?


How many of you like to watch sports? My guess is most if not all. When you watch some sport like football, baseball or basketball, it can be very intense. You cheer for a team. It may be “your” team or if your team is not playing it is another team you like or it could be a team that if they win it helps your team in the ratings. If you are watching this game with people rooting for the opposing team, there can be a lot of trash talk. Each side giving the other a bad time.  At the end of the game, there is a winner and a loser.

 For the players, ever notice that there is a mutual respect for the other team’s players?  At the end of a game, like good sports, the players laugh, smile, and nod. They shake hands. “Good game” they say. They walk off the field or court as athletes who fought a good fight. Half of the players won. Half of the players lost. They went into that game knowing that is how it goes. You win some. You lose some. In the locker room, they plan to learn from their mistakes, and work on not making those mistakes again.

The fans of the losing team may not be so OK with the loss. Have you ever noticed that sometimes the fans are bad losers? They may riot in the street. They keep the trash talk going. They may actually get angry at the players for making nice with the opposing team. They are bad sports. They make a** holes of themselves. They are immature. What is the point of the riot? What ever you are burning belongs to an innocent victim. Who you are looting are innocent victims. It is not their fault your team lost.

Legal cases

In court houses, there are two sides. While the trial is on, it is a battle. Each side fights very hard to make their case. Lawyers try to trip up the other side. They try to make the other side look bad. They try to confuse the other side into saying things that hurt their case. And at the same time they try to make their side look like victims. They try to get their side to say things that will help their case.

At the end, most of the time, there is a winner and a loser. Have you ever noticed after a court case that the opposing attorneys are all friendly with one another? They are civil. They smile. They laugh. They ask about each other’s families? They know each other. Perhaps they have gone up against each other numerous times. To them, you win some; you lose some.

But the people who they represented are not always so OK with the lawyers being all nice after the case. To the people involved, they were fighting for something that may very well be life changing. They may “hate” the opposing side. Even though the case has been closed in a court house, to the people involved, it is not over.

Those who lost, well  they may not do anything. But they often want revenge. They want “justice”. They may very well think of what to do to get their justice.


Elections are sort of like sports and legal cases. There are two strong contenders. There may be more contenders, but usually, in most races, there are two. They fight hard. They tell you why you should vote for them and not for their opponent. There is a lot of trash talk. Tempers rise. Unlike either sports or legal cases, these fights go on for months. They may go over a year. They start out slowly and build up speed. At the end of the race, it becomes very intense. The supporters become very involved. After all, these candidates, more or less, represent their desires. They represent their voice. They probably don’t agree 100% with the candidate of their choice, but they agree more than disagree. Now, sometimes they don’t want either candidate. Sometimes they vote against the other person.

At the end, there is a winner and  a loser. And just like sports and legal cases, the politicians accept the outcome. The loser does not like the outcome, but accepts it. That is just politics. Sometimes you win, and sometimes you lose. The loser will talk to their supporters and say we did not win this time, but let us come together. Let us be a united community. They remove the hate speech. They are a gracious loser.  The winner will say kind things as well. They will show respect to their opponent. In a good race, they are a gracious winner.

But the supporters on the losing side are not always so understanding and accepting of the loss. They are filled with the hate that was built up over the last several months. They feel sad. They sometimes act as if the world is coming to an end. They feel despair. Just like the losing fans in the sports they may do crazy things. But why? Why do you riot? Why do you burn things? Why do you loot? Why protest? When you do these things, you are doing them against innocent victims. If you are burning someone’s property, you are hurting someone that  did nothing to you. Nothing. If you loot or the like, you are hurting someone who did nothing to you. Nothing. So, for the love of your mother, don’t do it. It is not the fault of these innocent victims that your candidate lost. So, don’t take it out on them.

The election is over

We just finished a very long and hard fought election. There was a lot of trash talk. There was a lot of hateful things said. There were a lot of mean accusations on both sides. People on both sides calling each other names. As I mentioned in my last post about 50% of our population is on the losing side. There are a lot of emotions to lose. We built up a lot of hate to try to get people to vote with us. And now, it is time to let the hate go. Listen to our leaders. Both leaders were very gracious. It is time for us to be gracious as well. Don’t riot. Don’t loot. Don’t burn. Who are you hurting anyway? Yep! Innocent victims. We the people of the United States of America voted. The results are very close. But there is a winner, like it or not. Listen to the leaders and make nice.

Just like the athletes on the losing sport team it is time to go to the locker room. Take a shower. Think about what you did well, and what needs improvement. And how you still can make a difference. Get involved in other ways. Write to Congress. Write to your Representatives and Senators. Make petitions. Do positive things.

Local activity

As I said before, we are a network of neighborhoods. Work on your own neighborhood. If we all make our neighborhood great, we will have a great nation. Once all the neighborhoods connect up, we are a nation.

If you want to protest something, protest the gangs and drugs in your neighborhood. This is, to me, the greatest threat and danger we have. How many jail cells are spent because of drugs and gangs? Most. How many lives are lost because of drugs and gangs?

Unite your neighborhoods in peace. Clean them up. Have neighborhood parties. Wen we work together to improve our little piece of the world, you will find an amazing transformation. I promise.


A few more states have legalized marijuana. If all else fails, have a toke with your neighbors, you’ll forget your hate. That is a JOKE.

*I am not promoting the use of marijuana or any other substance even if legal.*

Smile. We will survive.

Take care of each other.

Lisa Y. coaching



Brave to just face the day


How are you?


So, a client of mine said she thought her husband was the bravest man she knows.

Is he a fire fighter? No.  Is he a police officer? No. Does he train wild animals? No.

He is just an ordinary guy. He has an ordinary job. What makes him so brave?

In a nutshell, he suffers from a type of mental condition that makes facing the world a challenge. And every day he throws up at the thought of facing the day. Then he goes to work.  That is a special kind of brave.

Suffering in silence

So many people suffer from something that makes facing the day difficult. You may not have any idea how hard it is for so many people to just get out of bed much less do every day things. What is easy and natural for most is a dreadful chore for others.

They don’t want to talk about it because most people don’t want to hear about it. We want everyone to “be fine”. If you tell the truth and tell people you are not “fine”, you lose people quickly. So, many people suffer in silence to keep friends.


What to do? There is not much you can do if you don’t know. But people who are suffering do leave small clues all the time. They may show you how they have few possessions because they can’t afford them. They may tell you how they don’t use simple pleasures like heat or air conditioning. They may say they feel old. They may say how tired they are. They may not ever want to go out and do things. They may actually come right out and say something like I hate life. Or they may continually say how hard life is. They may continually say no one is there for them. (And maybe no one is there for them because people got tired of listening to them) If you have someone in your life, who says odd things or does odd things be supportive. Just let them know you care. You have no idea what that may mean.

If you are the one who feels life is a burden, and need someone to listen, you know where to find me.

Smile for me!


Lisa Y coaching


The Sumo wrestler stance, a firm foundation


Quick post here.

Have you ever wondered why a Sumo wrestler makes the stance he does? You know the one. He comes out he raises one leg and stomps it to the ground. He raises the other leg up and stomps it to the ground. His knees are bent. He looks ready to sit down.

Why does he do that? It is more than just a position to be in to be ready to wrestle. It is a psychological thing.

It is becoming one with the Earth. It is planting ones feet squarely on the ground. They bring into them the power of Earth to give them strength. It gives them mental strength.

Think about it. They could just come out to wrestle and get in that ready stance without the ceremony of it all. They don’t have to raise their legs and stomp the ground first. But they do that in order to get a firm foundation.

A firm foundation is important. Without it, there is weakness on what ever you are building.

So, next time you want to feel powerful think about that Sumo wrestler. Raise your legs and stomp them into the ground as if you are planting yourself there. Give it half a chance, and I think you will actually feel stronger. Give yourself a firm foundation to meet the challenge what ever it may be.

Lose fear of death and live


How are you?

July 28, 2015

What a day this was! I had moved back to California after living in Arizona for about a year. I left Arizona around midnight. I got to my new home about 6 in the morning. It was hot. My dogs were in a new home and scared. At 8 that night, I met an agent with the ATF. I have to talk to you tonight he told me. I wanted to talk on the phone, but he insisted we meet in person. It turns out it was not news to get over the phone.

So, we met at a local restaurant. I was scared. What the heck was going on? There were two agents. Someone I knew was in jail on some drug charge. That was not what this meeting was all about. What this person said is. While in jail, he told another inmate, “I have an aunt we can rob and kill.”

How did they know I was the lucky aunt? Well, while being interviewed my nephew he seemed to “forget” all about me. That is how they knew I was the target.

I went into complete shock. We were close. I was closer to him than all his aunts combined.


We are natural survivors. Most of us will give everything we have to survive. You have heard those inspiring stories of people who had to cut off their own arm with a pocket knife. The person shot in the head and plugs the hole with their finger until help arrives. Someone who was stranded in the ocean for a week.

I like to think that if I had a life or death situation that I would fight. I would like to think that I would do anything to survive. Hopefully, I will never have to do that.

Lose fear of death and live

Why am I telling you about my death threat? Well, after I got over the shock and changed my will, a strange thing happened. I got brave.

Inside of me I found the will to live like I had never felt before! “I won’t let you kill me you ungrateful little punk!” “You will not take my things. You will not kill me.” “Neither you or your brothers or any other members of the family will inherit my money.” “I will fight you!”

 I now  feel empowered. I don’t fear death. I feel free to live. 


We all feel afraid sometimes. Fear is actually a comforting thing in a very strange way. (Sadness too by the way.) There is a part of you that says if you lose that fear you will lose the comfort the fear provides and you will die. It will kill your strength. You will lose your ability to survive. 

Fear is a liar! You won’t die if you lose your fear. Instead, you will feel more alive. Why? Because you will be meeting your survivor need on a higher level.

Getting rid of fear is not always easy. But I will tell you this, we have 4 survivor needs. Understanding those needs is the key to lose the fear and to live. You may not have had your life threatened, but you are so comfortable in keeping your fear that you don’t want to lose it. Losing your fear

What keeps you under the control of fear is personal. It is based on your inner drive. You are meeting some need on a low level. If you want to break free from that fear, you can. What it takes is to learn why you have that fear. What survivor need are you meeting?  Know that and you can know how to meet that goal on a higher level.

I would like to see you talk to your fear the same way I talked to my nephew. OK, so I did not actually talk to my nephew. I just thought those things. I have not had the opportunity to see him, and I don’t want to see him. But you can talk to your fear. Then, you can break free and live.


Now, it is the common theory that my nephew said that to be a big man in jail. And maybe he was high at the time. And now that he has been interviewed by the ATF agent, and he knows that he is the number one suspect if I die in a suspicious manner. I don’t feel all that threatened. I won’t take my guard down, but I am safe right now.

If you have a fear you would like to conquer, find out why. You need to Understand the reason, the survivor need you are meeting. You feel the fear. Then you do away with it. It is a breakable habit.

Wishing you a great day.
