Surround yourself with people who believe in you.


With out the right people in your life: Getting people to believe in a dream can be very difficult. Getting people to believe in you can be very difficult. Getting people to be supportive can be very difficult. Getting people to help can be very difficult.

Heartbreaking. If the above is true for you, that can be very heartbreaking. It can make you feel alone. It can make you feel stupid for wanting to do what ever it is you want to do. It can discourage you from trying.

Don’t give up. When you know what motivates you, you know what you need and how to meet your need on a higher level. You can break the old habit and start a new one.

Surround yourself with people who believe in you more than you believe in you. Either seek out people who have done what you want to do, or people who have over come obstacles. Find people who will build you up.

Me. You know you can count on me. If, by some chance, there is no one else, I will be there for you.


Lisa Y life coach