Thanksgiving Quiz

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving to me is so special and lost between Halloween and Christmas. It is more than the start of the shopping season.

My wish for you is that you not rush through the day to get it over with just to prepare for Christmas.

“We need a rebirth of gratitude for those who have cared for us the living, and, mostly, dead…we must remember them in our thoughts and prayers, and in our deeds.” ~William F. Buckley, Jr

Three hundred ninety five years ago, the Pilgrims and Native Americans joined together for a three day feast that has come to be known as the First Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving is America’s oldest tradition. The quiz below is an opportunity to test your knowledge of the original Thanksgiving and following observances of the holiday throughout our history.

Quiz: How much do you know about Thanksgiving

  1. 90 Indian men attended the first Thanksgiving in Plymouth, MA. in 1621. What was the name of their tribal confederation?  A) Wampanoag B)Apache C)Iroquois D) Sioux
  2. 18 Pilgrim wives sailed on the Mayflower. How many survived until the time of the first Thanksgiving? A) 10 B) 0 C)16 D) 4
  3. What food did the Indians contribute to the First Thanksgiving? A)Turkey B)Venison C) Salon D) Oysters
  4.  In 1926 President Calvin Coolidge received from Mississippi a gift of a live animal with a “toothsome flavor” intended for the First Family’s Thanksgiving dinner. What was the animal? A)Turkey B) Deer C) Rabbit D) Raccoon
  5. The “godmother of Thanksgiving” was a 19th century editor who campaigned for decades in support of a national day of thanks. What was her name? A) Harriet Beecher Stowe B) Sarah Josepha Hale C) Louisa May Alcott D) Lydia Marie Child
  6. Which college teams faced off in the first Thanksgiving football game in the 1870s, starting a nationwide mania for Thanksgiving Day football? A)Harvard and Dartmouth B)Princeton and Rutgers C) Princeton and Yale D) Columbia and Harvard
  7. Which President refused to issue a Thanksgiving proclamation on the grounds that the Constitution prohibits a president from “intermeddling with the religious institutions, their doctrines, discipline or exercise.” A) Thomas Jefferson B)George Washington C) John Adams D) Abraham Lincoln
  8. The word “succotash” comes from the Narragansett Indian word for “sohquttahhash.” What is it? A) grilled venison B) A stew of corn and beans C) A clambake D) A kind of pumpkin
  9. Religious days of thanksgiving have a long history in the Judeo-Christian tradition. In what is now the United States, several locations lay claim to being the site of the first “true” Thanksgiving Day, as celebrated by European settlers who arrived before the Pilgrims. Which of the following make such claims? A)San Elizario, TX B) St. Petersburg, FL C) Berkley Plantation, VA D) All of the above
  10. What year was the date of Thanksgiving codified into law as the fourth Thursday of November? A) 1901 B) 1967 C) 1941 D) 1863

Answers: Well, you can get those at

Have a great Thanksgiving!