Holiday safety


So, the holiday season is upon us.

The good.

There are parties to plan. There are gifts to buy. There are decorations to display.  There is the snow. OK some of us have to travel to the mountains, but it is there for skiing and snow ball fights. There is also the opportunity for hot cocoa and for those 21 or older maybe a hot rum drink, and I guess some like eggnog. The retail stores have their selling season. Delivery companies need more help.  People are thinking about the kindness and joy they can spread. Most will think about what they can do to give their loved ones. Some think about helping out at a local homeless shelter perhaps. So much good going on you wish it would last all year. Personally, I don’t know why not.

The bad

This is burglary and robbing season. In the general area where I live, we have a network of neighbors who report things to one another. Strangers are snooping around houses. Just a few thoughts.

Be aware we are all neighbors. Become familiar of what is normal in your neighborhood. Look, I know you may be at work during the day. But when you are home find out what is normal. If you see something odd, call the police. If one or more persons seem to be going door to door, call the police. Talk to your neighbors. Do you know your neighbors? If not, start a neighborhood group to know them. Ask them if they know who may have been snooping around. Keep track of an unusual car parked over night or for an extended amount of time.

Examples of odd behavior noted around here.

People going door to door wearing shirts that make them look as if they belong to a local company. The company was called, and they said these people do not represent their company. Look, it is not hard to make up shirts to look as if you either represent a legit company or that you are a legit company. On this same note, be careful of people who approach you in a parking lot trying to get money for a charity. Just because they have printed shirts it does not mean they are truly with a charity. To donate to a charity, it may be better to go directly to the source.

Door check Here are two stories: First was a man with a van who walked right up to our house. Opened the door. He ran back to his van rather quickly when our very large dog burst through some doors and chased him out. His words, “wrong house” I kid you not. That is what he said. If my mom had not been home, and without a smart dog, our home would most certainly would have been burglarized. Second a young boy came up to the door and tried to open it (different house many years later). His father sat in a car in the street. When my mother asked the boy what he was doing his response was that he and his father were doing a door check to see if the door was locked. The idea here is that they wanted to make sure we were safe by keeping our door locked. What they would have done if the door had not been locked and my mother not home is unknown, but I think they were looking for an opportunity to burglarize. Moral of these stories is make sure to keep things locked. It is unfortunate that most of us have to have our doors locked, but that is society today.

Holiday parties are an opportunity for thieves. A few years ago, there was a neighborhood holiday party. You know the one where you go door to door. So, I did not feel up to going. But some teen boys thought this was an opportunity to loot I guess. When they thought I was at the party, at the first house on the other end of the street, they were climbing over my wall. Yep! They were going to break into the back of my house. When I stopped them, they said, “We thought you were going to be at the party.” That is how I knew why they tried to break in at that time. So, if your neighborhood has a party, just be aware. Keep your doors locked.

Shopping this time of year can be a time to be vigilant. Be aware. Be aware of your surroundings while going from the mall to your car. Please do not be preoccupied with a text message or the like. The robbers are out there. And don’t leave packages in plain view. If you have packages in your car, put them in the trunk. If you have a van or a truck, either cover them up with a blanket or something, or take them home.

Hey, I don’t want to be a negative person here. I want to remind you to be aware. As a child, we had our house burglarized more than once. It is a creepy feeling. It is an evasion. You feel violated. Your home feels dirty. It just is not the same. I have never been robbed, but that has to be even worse as it is against your person. I really don’t want you to have to go through a bad experience.

Be aware. Look out for your neighbors. And enjoy the good!


Lisa Y coaching