Lose fear of death and live


How are you?

July 28, 2015

What a day this was! I had moved back to California after living in Arizona for about a year. I left Arizona around midnight. I got to my new home about 6 in the morning. It was hot. My dogs were in a new home and scared. At 8 that night, I met an agent with the ATF. I have to talk to you tonight he told me. I wanted to talk on the phone, but he insisted we meet in person. It turns out it was not news to get over the phone.

So, we met at a local restaurant. I was scared. What the heck was going on? There were two agents. Someone I knew was in jail on some drug charge. That was not what this meeting was all about. What this person said is. While in jail, he told another inmate, “I have an aunt we can rob and kill.”

How did they know I was the lucky aunt? Well, while being interviewed my nephew he seemed to “forget” all about me. That is how they knew I was the target.

I went into complete shock. We were close. I was closer to him than all his aunts combined.


We are natural survivors. Most of us will give everything we have to survive. You have heard those inspiring stories of people who had to cut off their own arm with a pocket knife. The person shot in the head and plugs the hole with their finger until help arrives. Someone who was stranded in the ocean for a week.

I like to think that if I had a life or death situation that I would fight. I would like to think that I would do anything to survive. Hopefully, I will never have to do that.

Lose fear of death and live

Why am I telling you about my death threat? Well, after I got over the shock and changed my will, a strange thing happened. I got brave.

Inside of me I found the will to live like I had never felt before! “I won’t let you kill me you ungrateful little punk!” “You will not take my things. You will not kill me.” “Neither you or your brothers or any other members of the family will inherit my money.” “I will fight you!”

 I now  feel empowered. I don’t fear death. I feel free to live. 


We all feel afraid sometimes. Fear is actually a comforting thing in a very strange way. (Sadness too by the way.) There is a part of you that says if you lose that fear you will lose the comfort the fear provides and you will die. It will kill your strength. You will lose your ability to survive. 

Fear is a liar! You won’t die if you lose your fear. Instead, you will feel more alive. Why? Because you will be meeting your survivor need on a higher level.

Getting rid of fear is not always easy. But I will tell you this, we have 4 survivor needs. Understanding those needs is the key to lose the fear and to live. You may not have had your life threatened, but you are so comfortable in keeping your fear that you don’t want to lose it. Losing your fear

What keeps you under the control of fear is personal. It is based on your inner drive. You are meeting some need on a low level. If you want to break free from that fear, you can. What it takes is to learn why you have that fear. What survivor need are you meeting?  Know that and you can know how to meet that goal on a higher level.

I would like to see you talk to your fear the same way I talked to my nephew. OK, so I did not actually talk to my nephew. I just thought those things. I have not had the opportunity to see him, and I don’t want to see him. But you can talk to your fear. Then, you can break free and live.


Now, it is the common theory that my nephew said that to be a big man in jail. And maybe he was high at the time. And now that he has been interviewed by the ATF agent, and he knows that he is the number one suspect if I die in a suspicious manner. I don’t feel all that threatened. I won’t take my guard down, but I am safe right now.

If you have a fear you would like to conquer, find out why. You need to Understand the reason, the survivor need you are meeting. You feel the fear. Then you do away with it. It is a breakable habit.

Wishing you a great day.
