Give yourself permission

Hey Boss!

How are you?

Transforming your life in three steps.

Most of us want to change something in our lives. We seem to never be quite happy. It could be a new career. It could be a relationship. It could be your body, hair or face. It could be all sorts of things.

I think there are three steps toward change.

Diagnosis, what do you really want to change? There is a difference between what you want to change and what the benefit of that change is.

Plan, how are you going to make that change? How are you going to meet your goals on a higher level?

Hypnosis, work on the sub conscious level.


I started my study and use of hypnosis at least 10 years ago. I stopped using it, but I recently started up again, and I love it.

I am not talking about the sort of hypnosis where someone makes you quack like a duck or sing in front of a crowd of people. Who would do that?

What I am talking about is using the power of the subconscious mind. Some of the reasons we are the way we are goes back to some event that may have happened years ago. This event may be unknown to our conscious mind. If this is true for you, you need to release it. You also may need to give yourself permission to change.

Permission to change

Our minds are amazing. They do all sorts of things to protect us. We may not remember certain events because our mind says that memory just hurts our heart. Forget about it. Sometimes we get thoughts and ideas that help us.

If your mind has shielded you somehow and this is blocking your transformation, you need to give your self permission to change. Why? Well, your mind has worked really hard to do what it thought was best for you. To give you what  it thought you wanted.  It may take a little convincing that change is OK.

When you make the diagnosis of  what you want to change, and have a plan on how to make that change. a tool that may want to consider is hypnosis to give you permission to change.


Smile for me.

Lisa Y coaching

Communicate to prevent misunderstanding

Hey Boss!

How are you?


Misunderstanding often comes from the lack of knowledge. How many times are people hurt or angry because they do not know the whole story? A woman I know has been brought to tears day after day because she thought someone was not caring about their feelings. Why don’t they care, she asked? She thought someone was not being nice to her. But what she just recently found out is that the person was doing their best under the circumstances. They were unemployed. Yep.

So now she feels bad for being so upset. But I tell her don’t beat your self up. It isn’t your fault you were so angry. With the knowledge you had, you had every right to be angry. If you had been told the whole story, you would have known the other person was struggling too.

Tell the whole story and release the tension. 

Be aware of how your actions are impacting the lives of other people. If your actions are causing grief for others and you don’t want to do that, then talk. This woman I was helping, told her friend how hurt she was. And yet the friend just let her be hurt and angry with her. I find this baffling. Why would you let someone be hurt? Why would you hurt yourself by having someone be so angry with you?

If you really care about others, don’t let them be hurt. If the woman who was unemployed just told her friend she was unemployed, that would have eased all the tension. They were both feeling frustrated, and that little bit of information would have changed everything.

Relationship Acceptance Training

One of the things that is important to me is to help people work out bad relationships. In the case of the two women in this blog, this could have been resolved really easily. It is my suggestion that they acknowledge the frustration they shared and how unnecessary it was. And move forward as better friends with open communication.

But some relationship issues are a lot more complicated. Some take accepting others as they are. It also takes finding the good in the other person. It takes understanding the other point of view. Why is that so important? Why does that flip them out? What may be nothing to you is huge to them.

The answer lies in what makes them tick. There are 4 survivor needs. When you understand your top need and their top need then you can have understanding and work things out.

If you are in a long term relationship, and have an ongoing battle and would like to resolve it, let me know.

Reconcile. Accept. Together.


Smile for me.

Lisa Y coaching.

Judgmental of self and judgement of others

Hey Boss!

How are you today?

Self judgmental

It seems to me that no one is more judgmental of us than we are. Some of us do that all on our own. Some of us do that because of our upbringing. If you have parents who are very demanding, you may not ever feel as if you are quite living up to expectations. What ever the reason, self judgement has a big impact on our lives.

Trying to live up to certain expectations is a lot of pressure. And when you don’t meet those expectations, disappointment and guilt rise up. When that happens one of two things can happen. You either try harder or you give up.

If you work harder, you are putting a lot of stress on yourself. If you give up, your guilt also grows. Then some spiral of unhappiness sets in. You get torn in different directions.

Judging others

When we live according to high standards, we expect others to live up to those same high standards. These standards we have for us may not even be that high, but may be higher than other people have. Sometimes higher standards are from the way people used to be. Maybe we think a hand shake should be good enough. That is, some of us, myself included, know that our handshake is a solid deal, but other people don’t abide by a written agreement. We may be willing to do things for family and friends without thinking about it, but get disappointed when others don’t return the favor.

When you have standards that others don’t meet, you get disappointed. You may have your feelings hurt. You get confused. But we can’t expect others to do as we would do. Just because you would remember something your customer told you, you can’t expect an employee at a business to give you the same attention. You can’t expect people to help you the way you would help you. You can’t expect others to go above and beyond the norm just because you would. Everyone has their own level of standards, and you can’t think of them as bad people. They just have different standards.

Be less self judgmental and

 you will be less judgmental toward others (and happier)

So, what to do? You can’t go around being upset with others for being different. They don’t mean to hurt you. Some have different priorities. What they think is important, is different than what you think is important. If something would not be important to them, they don’t think it is important to you will either. Some times they may not even notice at all that this is important to you. That is really frustrating, isn’t it. You may wonder how they just don’t respond to this urgent and/ important thing? Am I right?

Well, the world is our mirror. And maybe, just maybe you are being too hard on others because you are too hard on yourself. Just because it is natural for you to help others the way you do, it may not be for most other people. Just because you would give more customer service than you received, for example, it does not mean you received poor customer service. It may be that you got bad service or it may be that you expect more based on your own standards.

The point is maybe you expect too much because you put so much out there and don’t get a return in kind. Maybe you need to lower your expectations a smidgen. Maybe? I know it is not easy. But try. As my grandmother used to say, don’t expect much and you won’t be disappointed. Yes, people should do their best. Maybe those who disappoint you are doing their best.

Sounding board

What everyone needs is a sounding board. Do you know someone who is not so expecting of such high standards as you? If so, ask him or her if you are being unreasonable.

Shoulder to lean on

Everyone also needs a shoulder to lean on. If you are feeling let down by others because they are not treating you the way you would treat them find someone to lean on. It is always easier for someone else to put things in perspective than you can do yourself.

If you need to talk about any of this, let me know. 

If you could use a neutral third person to be your sounding board or shoulder to lean on, it would be my pleasure to be there for you.

Message me at


Smile for me!

Lisa Y coaching.

Happy Birthday…Happy New Year!

Hey Boss!~

So, I want to get right to it. Today is my birthday! Yeah!

Happy New Year!

I want to share with you my tradition. Unlike most everyone else, I make my “New Year” resolutions on my birthday instead of for January 1st. Why? Well, because it is my new year.

My resolutions. 

My resolutions are to help, truly help, 52 people this year. Help. I love to give safety and helpful tips. I love to give inspiration, no matter how small. I love to give words of encouragement. I love to give friendship and hope. But I am here to transform lives. It is my resolution to help 52 people answer that burning question. Get on the right path and stay there until the end goal is met.

I knew when I was 4 years old that this was my calling. So, that is why I am here. I am here to give gifts to the world. I want to be a friend to those who need change. I want to be a friend to those in pain. I want to be a friend to those who are sad or even depressed. I want to be a friend to those who are alone. I want to be a friend to those who have ruined or who have a relationship of any sort with someone who has turned their life upside down because of drugs or alcohol I also want to be a friend to someone who wants to share good news.

If you want to help me to meet my goals, start by messaging me here


So, today is my birthday. So, I may not be working much today. My sister lives 2 hours away, and she and her husband are taking me out to the casino! Yeah! That is gift enough, but I know she has some other gift. No matter how many times I tell her no gifts she still does it. Oh well, I still love her and she loves me.

Normally, I have you smile for me, but it’s  my birthday so wish me luck at the casino. Thanks.

Lisa Y life coaching

mindfulness lesson 12

Hey Boss!

How are you today?

Develop the original mind

Mindfulness/meditation is more than relaxation and awareness. Relaxation is the vehicle to the end goal. The end goal is to have a tranquil heart and a clear mind. Once you do that you can  develop the original (spiritual) mind. The original mind is your self. This is to distinguish between what you reflect as a mirror of the world and your spiritual mind. It is to distinguish between your earthly mind and your heavenly mind.

Mind control

Control your mind control your life. Our minds are so amazing. The power of the mind is untapped power. Being aware of your environment and your perceptions of the world are key to accomplish any goal you have. As mentioned before, mindfulness is not just for the 20 minutes or so you take for meditation. No, it is for your waking hours. It is something that you do without thinking. As you practice meditation and mindfulness, it will become second nature just like breathing.


Nirvana is the unity of mind and body. Your mind and body work as one. As you unite your mind and body in meditation, you open the passage way to wisdom. Certain thoughts will come to your mind. Accept the thought. Allow it to come into your mind. The thought or feeling comes in with the inhale and exits with the exhale. I comes and goes as peacefully as the tide. The idea of mediation is not to be without thoughts or feelings. It  is about being aware. But, you don’t want to dwell. As you practice, you will become more and more aware of your thoughts and feelings even when not in meditation. You will train your body to accept how it feels as well, and to not dwell on things.

Share with me. I would love to hear from you. You can leave a message at

Smile for me!


Lisa Y coaching