First world problems are problems none the less


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First world problems

Some people seem to think that what some people refer to as “first world” problems are not problems at all. I guess if it isn’t a problem with having food and water, lack of medical care,  and I don’t know toilet paper; some don’t consider it complaint worthy.

I would agree that not having electricity for a few hours, being stuck in traffic, or having to wait in line at the post office are not life changing problems, but they are “first world” problems or irritants if you will.

First world country

The United States is a first world country. It always has been. We are so blessed. The people of the United States are innovative. They strive to improve life. They work hard to make this country be the best.

I don’t really know why other countries are third world. I don’t understand why some countries have been left behind. Either their leaders don’t have systems that allow or encourage innovation or they have no interest in being first world countries. Maybe some people are happy without all the technology.

But the United States is a first world country. As such, we have first world issues.

If it matters to you, it matters

This is my slogan. Not everyone has the same problems in life. What matters to one is of no concern to another. But if it matters to you, it matters. Just because others do not think your problem is worthy of complaint does not make it true.

I feel that if something is upsetting to you, you need to talk about it. Then, you either learn to deal with it, or you do something about it.

If you have something that bothers you, and no one is willing to listen, that is why I am here.  I am passionate about what matters no matter how big or how small.

If you have a “first world” problem, and no one else will listen, you know where to find me.
