Household Hacking Dangers


How are you today?

Cyber attacks

You are probably well aware of cyber attacks. They happen on a regular basis. Some may be a nuisance. But some can do some real damage. Last week dozens of big companies were hacked. And with the holiday season upon us, there is concern that a great attack is on the way. Now, I don’t know if this is your run of the mill scare tactic or a real threat. But just in case, I wanted to give you some safety tips.

You have probably heard the dangers of household hacking dangers, but in case you have not here is the scoop.

A tangled web

So most homes today have something that is vulnerable to being hacked. We are so connected to the world wide web. The most obvious are Wi-Fi routers, DVRs, and security cameras. But more and more we love gadgets.

Here is a partial list: 

aquarium monitors, baby monitors, DVRs, internet photo frames, plant watering sensors, hands free speakers, home light monitors, night lights, security camera, smart dog collars, smart refrigerator, smart t.v.,  solar power usage monitor,  tooth brushing monitors,  wi-fi  espresso machine,  smart vents,Wi -Fi router, wi-fi thermostats

Real danger

There is a real danger. We have seen it. Will hackers really shut down the internet on Black Friday or Cyber Monday? Who knows. But there is a black market for this information.

There is actually a market out there for this network of information. For a mere $7,500 you can rent 100,000 of this network of information for a week.

If there is knowledge of this, why can’t some law enforcement group do something? (Just a question.)

Security measures

Well, what can you do? Seems the options are limited. Until the manufacturers take this seriously and provide good security measures what can you do? Well, if your devices are set up to require security codes to operate, then use them, and don’t use the default code.  I know. More security codes to memorize or safely record. But hey, what is more important not using a security code or having your personal information vulnerable?

We are all connected on the web. We need to help each other out by taking security seriously. I think hacking, computer viruses, and malware is about as low as you can go. Why hurt innocent people? But it is out there.

Anyway, I know this is not really helpful. But I hope it at least gets you thinking about all those crazy gadgets.


Lisa Y coaching.