Your depression coach


Generally sad?

Hey, So are you generally, DEEP DOWN SAD? Do you get HURT  really EASILY? Do you feel like the ONLY PERSON on Earth who feels the way you do? Does the slightest thing RUIN your ENTIRE DAY? Does that feeling sometimes last for DAYS? Are your friends AVOIDING you because they are TIRED of your “NEGATIVE” OUTLOOK ON LIFE? FEELING ALONE?

Like understands like

So, who helps people better? Can someone who has never experienced the above help you? Or can someone who has felt the same help you better?  It is my belief that like understands like.

I don’t know your story. I would like to. Your story is unique. But I understand the above. I have felt the same way. Starting at the age of 16, I started feeling that way. These feelings have come and gone over the last 37 years. But I know how to feel better. It starts with understanding your inner drives and then working on it. This includes hypnosis or deep meditation where you give your subconscious permission to change.

Think of it this way. Who understands drug addicts? Can someone who has never been addicted to drugs understand a drug addict as much as a person who has been a drug addict? OK, so, who can understand sadness/depression better? Right, someone who has experienced it. It isn’t easy.

The sadness challenge

I know being sad is a challenge. It is a daily challenge. It causes a lot of pain. It makes you feel alone. But if you understand you inner drive, you can improve. You can find a better way to meet your needs. Look, I know it sounds crazy, but being sad and easily hurt fills a need. There are better ways.

Do you ever feel that you enjoy being sad? I told my mom that I liked being sad. She said no one likes to be sad. But some people do. It makes you unique. It is comfortable.  Do you ever feel that you would stop being you if you stop being sad? It is a hard habit to break. But as I have said before like all habits it is breakable. You can start a new habit. Maybe it would be fun to be the person all your friends want you to be? Maybe it would be fun to be the person who conquered sadness?

OK well, I just wanted to throw that out there.

You know where to find me:


First world problems are problems none the less


How are you?

First world problems

Some people seem to think that what some people refer to as “first world” problems are not problems at all. I guess if it isn’t a problem with having food and water, lack of medical care,  and I don’t know toilet paper; some don’t consider it complaint worthy.

I would agree that not having electricity for a few hours, being stuck in traffic, or having to wait in line at the post office are not life changing problems, but they are “first world” problems or irritants if you will.

First world country

The United States is a first world country. It always has been. We are so blessed. The people of the United States are innovative. They strive to improve life. They work hard to make this country be the best.

I don’t really know why other countries are third world. I don’t understand why some countries have been left behind. Either their leaders don’t have systems that allow or encourage innovation or they have no interest in being first world countries. Maybe some people are happy without all the technology.

But the United States is a first world country. As such, we have first world issues.

If it matters to you, it matters

This is my slogan. Not everyone has the same problems in life. What matters to one is of no concern to another. But if it matters to you, it matters. Just because others do not think your problem is worthy of complaint does not make it true.

I feel that if something is upsetting to you, you need to talk about it. Then, you either learn to deal with it, or you do something about it.

If you have something that bothers you, and no one is willing to listen, that is why I am here.  I am passionate about what matters no matter how big or how small.

If you have a “first world” problem, and no one else will listen, you know where to find me.


Household Hacking Dangers


How are you today?

Cyber attacks

You are probably well aware of cyber attacks. They happen on a regular basis. Some may be a nuisance. But some can do some real damage. Last week dozens of big companies were hacked. And with the holiday season upon us, there is concern that a great attack is on the way. Now, I don’t know if this is your run of the mill scare tactic or a real threat. But just in case, I wanted to give you some safety tips.

You have probably heard the dangers of household hacking dangers, but in case you have not here is the scoop.

A tangled web

So most homes today have something that is vulnerable to being hacked. We are so connected to the world wide web. The most obvious are Wi-Fi routers, DVRs, and security cameras. But more and more we love gadgets.

Here is a partial list: 

aquarium monitors, baby monitors, DVRs, internet photo frames, plant watering sensors, hands free speakers, home light monitors, night lights, security camera, smart dog collars, smart refrigerator, smart t.v.,  solar power usage monitor,  tooth brushing monitors,  wi-fi  espresso machine,  smart vents,Wi -Fi router, wi-fi thermostats

Real danger

There is a real danger. We have seen it. Will hackers really shut down the internet on Black Friday or Cyber Monday? Who knows. But there is a black market for this information.

There is actually a market out there for this network of information. For a mere $7,500 you can rent 100,000 of this network of information for a week.

If there is knowledge of this, why can’t some law enforcement group do something? (Just a question.)

Security measures

Well, what can you do? Seems the options are limited. Until the manufacturers take this seriously and provide good security measures what can you do? Well, if your devices are set up to require security codes to operate, then use them, and don’t use the default code.  I know. More security codes to memorize or safely record. But hey, what is more important not using a security code or having your personal information vulnerable?

We are all connected on the web. We need to help each other out by taking security seriously. I think hacking, computer viruses, and malware is about as low as you can go. Why hurt innocent people? But it is out there.

Anyway, I know this is not really helpful. But I hope it at least gets you thinking about all those crazy gadgets.


Lisa Y coaching.

Self mastery class lesson two


How are you today?

Your eternal self

Your true self is your eternal self. Your core is your connection to the eternal Being. When you gain full understanding of this, you live in profound peace. You act without concern for the outcome. For the outcome is always positive as you are always working for personal satisfaction. In other words, you help others you help yourself.


Desire is a big cause of pain.  To desire is to feel lack. As my grandma used to say, “Don’t want for much, and you won’t be disappointed.” There is not anything wrong with wanting things. It is the attachment to things that creates pain. When you release the attachment, you release the feeling of lack. When you release the feeling of lack, you receive.  It is the same idea that a watched pot never boils. When you watch a pot waiting for the water to boil, it seems to take forever. But when you stop watching the water it seems to boil quicker.

Practice detachment and you will find abundance. Stop seeking the rewards of your efforts and you will suddenly find the rewards. Spiritual awareness brings abundance.


When your mind is centered on obtaining it is opposed to detachment. Your mind is split on two goals. When you center your mind on detachment, your mind, your self the rewards come. Being of one mind brings peace.

Headaches are caused by duality. When you are torn between two different things, your mind creates a headache in  order to take a break. When your only goal is detachment, your mind is at peace.


Self awareness is self realization. Self awareness comes from different methods:

One is through finding your inner drive. What makes you tick? This can be uncovered through a few simple questions.

Two is through hypnosis which builds on this discovery.

Three is through mindfulness.

Catch up or play

Hey boss~

How are you?

Life is a marathon

So, here is the question. If you were running a 10k and were 1k behind everyone else, would you run harder to try to catch up or would you stop to play hop scotch?

Well, I guess it depends on a few things:

Are you tired? If you are tired of running, you may want to stop and rest a bit.

Are you young or old? If you are older, you may want to take a rest. If you are younger, you may want to catch up.

Are you competitive? If you are competitive and want to be your best, you should try to catch up. You may also want to try to win.

Finishing is not always enough

If you are running this marathon because you are improving your lifestyle, and it is a challenge, then finishing is a great thing. Good for you!

But if you are a seasoned runner, if you have finished other races, then just finishing is not enough. You need to catch up. You need to not play hop scotch. You need to make that effort to at least finish with the pack. You don’t want to finish 1k behind the pack.


The reward is pride of achievement. The good feeling you have being good at something. I can’t think of a better feeling than going from behind to being at the finish line even a bit ahead of time.

Respect is another reward of catching up. When you catch up, the crowd really roars. You are an exceptional person when you go from last place to finishing with the pack. 

Be exceptional. You will be a better person.


Smile for me.

Lisa Y. coaching

Self-mastery class lesson one

Hey Boss~

How are you?

My purpose: To fill the world with men and women living large with lives filled with passion, purpose and boldness. 

Solving problems

The first way I want to accomplish this purpose is to help people solve their problems. This can be through helping them diagnose their inner drives and making a plan for change. Or it can be to help them with making decisions, work through relationship issues, give them a nudge, or listen.

Self-mastery course

The second way I want to accomplish this purpose it to inspire. I want to start a new series of posts I call the self-mastery course. To help people find a meaningful, fulfilling, and worthwhile life.

As we live on Earth, we struggle within. We all have some burning desires. We all want to have meaning in our lives. We want a purpose. If we think we are not doing these things, we feel incomplete.

Let’s get started. 


There is a oneness of the universe. We are all connected. This includes all living beings. From the tiniest ant, to dogs, cats, humans, and plants. The spirit of the universe is in all of us equally. None of us is greater than another. We are different. We have different roles, but we all are vital. We all reflect the light of the world.

To live spiritually is to want joy for all. It is to care about others. It is to see a need and to fill it as a natural reflex. It is to see the pain in the world and to want to do your part,  no matter how small, to make things better.

It is my philosophy that we should simply focus on our own part of the world. Make your own neighborhood a better place. Lend a hand to your neighbors. Lend a hand to your family and friends. If we all did this, the world would take care of itself. Think about it. The world is just a huge net work of neighborhoods. We don’t have to take care of the world. We only need to take care of our own neighborhood.

Spiritual evolution

We are spiritual beings at our core. It seems to me that as children we have this natural spiritual way about us. As we get older, something happens and we lose our innocence, and some where down the road of life we try to find it again.

If we pay attention to children and animals, we can see that natural, pure goodness, and we long for it. This is our spiritual evolution.

As adults, we become pulled in different directions. We get overwhelmed with fulfilling the needs for home, food, clothing and other things on one side and fulfilling the need for love, joy, fulfillment on the other. There never seems to be enough hours in the day for it all. We prioritize. After we take care of the things we have to take care of to provide for our physical needs we are often too tired to work on the spiritual or don’t have as much time for it as we would like.

Spiritual evolution has to do with bringing these two sides back together. One thing to do is to practice mindfulness. This brings awareness. This is the awareness of our self and the world around us. What brings joy, and what brings pain. As we become more aware, our minds create unity. We are no longer divided in our spiritual life and the mind becomes at peace. As we evolve, we become more and more selfless. We practice kindness as a natural reflex.

Lesson One: The war within

The war within is self-mastery.  It is to become spiritually aware. How are we building up people and how are we knocking them down?

The war within is taking care of our needs on one side and caring about the needs of others on the other. What we have lost is the understanding that spiritual unity is the glue that holds society together. Without spiritual unity, we have chaos.

 It is our moral duty to fight the good cause of spiritual unity.  It is our moral duty to grow our own spiritual evolution to grow the spirit of kindness and consideration for all, humans, animals and mother Earth.

OK. that is enough for today.

Smile for me.

Lisa Y. life coach

Getting to know each other

Hey boss~

How are you today?

I hope all is well.

Let’s get personal


Passionate. If I were to sum myself up in one word, I would say passionate. I am passionate about all living things. I care about bugs. I care about plants. I care about bodies of water. I care about the desert. I care about the mountains. I care about the forests.  I care about people.

Don’t you think that is nice? Come on. I care about bugs. OK I will admit I am not fond of all bugs. I am not fond of fleas, ticks, or mosquitoes, but only the ones that would bother me and my dogs. Roaches, I almost forgot about roaches. I don’t want them around. If I care about bugs, think how much I care about people.

Fascinated. I am fascinated about most anything. I am fascinated about how things work. I am fascinated about the history of things. I am fascinated about why people do the things they do. I am fascinated about human relations. I am fascinated about word meanings and their history.

Curious. I am curious about what makes people tick. I am curious about why people do the things they do. I am curious as to why my dogs bark at one thing and not another. I am curious as to why some people post on Facebook often and some almost never. (I like to post, but take a break sometimes because I don’t want to bore my boring friends) I am curious as to why others are not more curious or fascinated or passionate.

Getting to know you

You are __________. Well, only you can answer that.

I can say is that I am curious as to why you are here. What would you like to know more about?

Know it all I forgot this one. I am opinionated. I sort of have an opinion about everything. So, if you want an opinion about something, anything, let me know. You can like my business Facebook page and post there which would be great. Or you can go to my personal Facebook and become my friend. Post something you would like an opinion about, and you can count on me to give an opinion.

One rule. NO POLITICS. It is a very bad subject.

You…back to you. I want to know about you.

I can be messaged here: or if you want my personal  Facebook it is:


Smile for me!

Lisa Y coaching.

That is another thing. If you want to know more about my coaching,  (But I think it is better to get to know me on Facebook)


Hey Boss!

How are you?

One person a week

So, on 10/8/16 I made it my goal to help one person a week. Not just talk, but help. So far so good.


So I want to tell you about that one person. She knows I am writing about her right now in case you are wondering, and she is fine with it. For the last few weeks, Sally has been very sad and tormented over the holidays. Should she get together with the “family” or not? She is invited to Thanksgiving and Christmas with her brother in laws family. She does not know them. She feels she “should” go. But, she really does not want to go. Why?

Well, she is very shy. She does not socialize very well. She is concerned that she will feel very tense the whole time. It would be a long drive, and really not worth the trip to be with people she does not even know.

The torment comes from not wanting to go on one side and feeling she “should” on the other.

Shoulds: She does not want to hurt anyone’s feelings. She does not want to hurt the feelings of the people hosting the dinners. She does not want to disappoint her sister. And she does not want to be a “party pooper”.

Not wanting to go: But if she goes then she is not being true to her self.

How I helped

This may not sound like much of a success story. Here is how it is. You see, Sally was going through a lot of very bad feelings. Indecision is a very hard situation. Not making the decision is what makes us crazy.  You know what you want to do. But sometimes there is pressure to do one thing when you want to do another.

I got Sally to relax. She got all of her unsorted thoughts out. Then the question, do you want to go? The answer… no. Then came the “buts”. No buts! Then comes the assurance that it is OK to not go.

Sometimes what people really need is to simply be assured that what they want to do is OK.

The Holidays

For Sally, the holidays are to be spent quietly at home. That may not seem like fun or festive to you. It may seem sad to you. But it is what Sally wants. She wants to be at home in peace rather than with people she does not know feeling socially awkward and tense.

Helping Sally to make that decision and to feel good about it to me is a win.

I hope that all of you have the holiday season that makes you happy.


Do you have something that you are debating? Are you torn? If you want help, you know where to find me. to leave a message.

For more on my coaching,


Smile for me!

Lisa Y


Community unity.

Hey Boss!

How are you today?

Tragedy unifies

So something bad happened and people are coming together. That is a great thing. There was a flood. There was a fire. There was an earthquake. There was a terrible car crash. There was a bombing. There was an airplane crash. When these things and more happen, it always brings us together. We get this feeling of community. We forget about all the silly little things and focus on being there for other people.  Which is great.

Unity all the time

What about the good times? Where is that sense of community in the good times? Let us come together just to come together. We are the same people in good times and bad. If you see a need, help. Don’t limit your self to only helping in times of tragedy. That old lady or man do they need help? The man pushing his motorcycle down the road. The friend who struggles to do something on the computer and needs help. The person who has their arms full and drops something. The single woman struggling to move something heavy.

Can you tell that that stranger is sad? Can you tell that stranger is angry? Can you tell they are struggling in some way? Maybe they just lost a loved one. Maybe they are sick. Maybe they hurt?

I know we are all busy. But really is it hard to do one nice thing even once a month? It feels good. You do that act of kindness you will smile all day.


All I am suggesting is that we show compassion all the time. Maybe that person you saw with their head on the table at the restaurant is sad. Maybe that person who looked away at the gym is barely hanging on. You don’t have to do much. Smile, nod and say take care. For the more daring, ask them if they are OK. Or ask them if they need a hug. You may just be surprised. But don’t be pushy. If someone wants to be alone, just say OK, and wish them well. Your simple act of kindness by showing interest, may have made a big impact on their life. You told them “you are not alone”.

Tell me what you think. I would love to hear from you.

Smile for me.


Lisa Y coaching

Why won’t anyone help me?


How are you today?

Deaf ears

Do you ever reach out to your friends and get little if any response? Do you ever get baffled by the lack of response? It is not so unusual for people to try to get help from the people they know to just be ignored. Ignored.

Why won’t anyone help me?

The reason you don’t get a lot of support can be for various reasons. It may be the help you need. That is, maybe they don’t know how to help you.  It may be that you ask too often. It may be that they don’t understand you are asking for help. Or, it can be any number of things.

You still need help

If you are not getting the help you need, you still need help. Quite often you just need someone to listen. When you talk through an issue, it often sorts itself out. Then a plan can be made. You can either make a plan on how you can make things better by yourself or how to get the help you need.

Don’t be alone

Things are rarely as bad as they seem. They just seem worse than they are because you are thinking about it too much. When you have something that is bothering you, you may dwell on it. When you do that, you make it grow. The worst case scenario starts to build in your mind.

Don’t be alone. There are two options to not being alone. One, pick one person you think is the best to turn to, and make that person listen. Just listen. Make sure that you really need to be heard.  Two, if you  have no one that will step up and listen, then you have to find someone who will. There are professional listeners out there. Life coaches are such people.

Life coaches are thinking partners. They listen. They question. They guide you to the core of the issue and then to the answer.

It would be my pleasure.

It would be my pleasure to listen. But, if not me, then find someone. But my advice is to find someone that keeps it simple. If someone wants to complicate things, that is not helpful. Don’t be with someone who turns molehills into mountains. Find someone who will turn that mountain into a molehill.

If you would like to leave me a message:


Smile for me.

Lisa Y coaching.