Male domestic violence and male suicide


How are you today?

Today I want to discuss male domestic violence.

Abuse toward women

So, we are familiar with women being abused. We sympathize with them because they are generally smaller than men, and are not generally as strong as men. We think of women being protected by men. So, when women are abused we get very upset by it. Many women either do not have a place to go to escape and if they have a place to go some are afraid to leave as they fear the man will come after them.

Abuse toward men

Men can be abused as well. They don’t get much sympathy if any at all. It is a general consensus that men can defend themselves because they are usually bigger and stronger.

Being abused for men has it’s own issues. First of all, they don’t have as many options to escape. There are no shelters for abused men. They may not want to go to a friend’s house unless they lie. It is not like a man is going to want to tell his friend he is being physically abused by a woman. He would probably say his wife kicked him out.

Second, it is a general belief that men are the aggressive ones. If a man merely defends himself, and the police get involved, they don’t believe that he was defending himself. All a woman has to do is say he started it, and he is taken to jail and may face criminal charges. And how can he prove that he defended himself?

The consequences

Domestic violence is a terrible thing. Your home is the one place you feel you should feel safe. No one should feel afraid to be in their own home. everyone should be able to be at home and feel at peace. It should not be a prison where you sleep with one eye open or with continual bullying and harassment.

But for men, they have society on the side of the woman who abuses them. They may not speak up because the police will probably think he started it. So they won’t go to the police because their claims may not be taken seriously for one thus no charges will be brought against his abuser, and if the police think he started it he may face charges of abuse himself just for defending himself. Few will believe them. Few will think of them as victims. Many abused men lose their jobs. They may have to prove their innocence of abusing her. They get divorced and lose their rights to see their children. They may be required to pay money to the woman who abused them. Plus, they have to be the man who got up by a woman. What does this all lead to? A feeling of being alone and unsupported leading to suicide. This is a leading reason for men to commit suicide.

Domestic violence toward men 

 Domestic violence toward men is a very serious issue. It is an issue that is not taken very seriously. But it should be. Every 15 seconds some man somewhere is being abused.

Be aware. I want you to be aware that this is a real issue. A lot of good men are having their lives damaged if not ruined by an abusive woman. This double standard needs to be stopped.

All victims of domestic violence, male and female, should be helped and protected.

Need to talk?

If you are a man or a woman who is being abused, I will be willing to listen. Don’t suffer in silence.

Lisa Y coaching