Three types of friends


How are you?

I would like to talk to you about friends. I think there are three types of friends. Friends are so important. Without good friends, what would life be anyway? It would be a sad and lonely place.

I am writing this because I know some people really don’t have any friends. I also know that some people want to be better friends.

One of my main goals is to build up people. Life brings people down, I want to build them back up, and I think either by being a friend to the friendless or helping people to be a better friend to those in need will do that. 

Friend type 1

These are really not friends at all. These are people you know. They are people you care about. But they are not the people you will do much of anything with or for them. They are really under the category of associate. There is nothing wrong with this sort of relationship. These may be neighbors or coworkers. I mention them because you probably have people like this in your life, and I don’t want you to expect too much from them because you can get hurt.

Friend type 2

This is a person who shows a real interest in you. They ask how you are doing, and they mean it. They pat you on the back when you have good news. They say supportive things. They are true to you no matter what. They are with you through good times and bad. They don’t leave you when you get sad. They don’t leave you when you are sick. They give you words of encouragement. And when you are about to do something dumb they stop you.  If you are in a bad situation they say hey get out, and I will help you. This is the person you call in the middle of the night to talk.

Friend type 3

This is the friend type 2 and then some. This is the person you know will be there for you without your asking. They see you need help, and if they can, they will help. If they can’t, they will help you to get the help you need. This is the person you call when you bump your head and say hey I bumped my head. You tell them this because you live alone, and you want someone to check on you in 24 hours to make sure you are OK. This is the person who has a skill to help you do something you find really hard to do. They help just because you are friends. It is easy for you to do it, and you help to keep your friend from struggling. You share their Facebook post because it is important to them. Maybe they are trying to raise money for a cause, maybe they want people to sign a petition for a cause dear to their heart, or maybe it is to help them with their business or hobby. Look, it may not be a post you would normally share, but they are your friend. Don’t be embarrassed to share a post, unless it is really offensive.

Women friends and men friends

I believe in supporting all people equally. I don’t want to tear one group of people down to build up other people. I have noticed in my life that there is a difference in men and their friendships and women and their friendships.

Men tend to stick together better. Or they stick together differently. Men seem to be more supportive. They cheer each other on. They bring their buddy to the top. And when a buddy falls, no man left behind.

Women stick together too. If one woman needs emotional support, she can find girl friends to call and they talk it out. But rarely have I noticed women who really help each other out. Women seem to feel that their opportunities are too limited to share with others. Women talk a lot about helping each other out, but in my experience, I have not seen a lot of that.

I know a woman who just the other day praised this idea of women helping women. She responded to a Facebook page. She was all thumbs up. But she does not practice it. She is a type 2. She is a very good friend. She is very good at seeing a need, but actions are limited. I tell you what, I will have her be a 2.5 friend. A 2 and half way to 3.

The point is let us not leave anyone, man or woman, behind. This is a world of opportunity. There is plenty for all if you look around. Build people up when life drags them down. Make like an opera singer, end with a high note!

Lisa Y coaching your type 1 2 and 3 friend

As a life coach, I am all three friend types.

If all you want is a type 1, the associate, I can be that. I can be someone you touch base with from time to time. If you want to tell someone something in a quick Facebook message. I am your type 1 friend. I will wish you a happy birthday. I will wish you good luck on that job interview. I will say congrats when you lost a few pounds. Got the idea?

If you want a type 2 friend, I can be that. You want to transform  your life. You want someone to listen even when you are sad, angry or glad. I will be there for you. If you want to confess something, I am there for you. I am surprisingly understanding. I won’t judge. Who am I to judge?

If you want a type 3 friend, I can be that. You bumped your head. Need a shout out. Let me know.

The point is never be alone. OK.

If you need a friend, is a great way to reach me.

OK. Smile for me!


Lisa Y coaching