No Global Record Heat in San Diego


NOT the hottest on record in San Diego

In the news today is the story that this last summer was the hottest on record. That just is simply NOT true for the city of San Diego. If not here then how can it be everywhere?

I have had my doubts about global warming. So, I have been keeping a daily log of the record highs at San Diego airport. My theory was that if global warming were true the record temperatures would be in the last few years.

Since the story today had to do with the summer here is what was true for San Diego for the months of June, July and August.

years 1877-1899 15 record high days     years 1900-1936 8 record high days     years 1936-1951 1 record high day     years 1952-1967 11 record high days     years 1968-1983 25 record high days     years 1984-1999 20 record high days years 2000-2015 11 record high days. This is for 138 years, only 11 record high days.

As you can see the record high days have been spread out over time. If global warming were true, and if this last year were the record high temperatures of all time, this would not be the results. If global warming were true, every day this year it would say the record was set in 2016. And they aren’t. For the summer months, the most recent record high was in 2010! And that occurred only once!

Yes, I know this is only the statistics for the city of San Diego. But if global warming were global, wouldn’t this be true for the city of San Diego? I am no scientist, but logically, yes! Logically, San Diego should have had record high temperatures this year.

Climate change

I will admit there has been a lot of extreme weather. The climate is changing. But I still believe that it is a natural thing. You can’t blame record temperatures back in the 1800s on car emissions. Look at the figures. In the years from 1877-1900 there were 15 record high temperatures. That is more than from 2000-2015.

But I think that global warming or climate change is not man made. We may contribute to it, but once again, you can’t blame record temperatures on cars, and planes before they even existed.

The environment

Before you accuse me of not caring about the environment, I want it clear that I am a very strong advocate for taking care of the environment. I believe in saving the forests. I believe in having the rivers and lakes be clean. I believe in clean air.

Don’t blindly believe the news reports

It is well known that the media slants the news. The media has an agenda. The stories they present and how they present them is to build a common thought. The media tries to stir up fear.

You can create a story based on statistics. Every issue has two sides of statistics. Consider the Bermuda Triangle. There is just as much evidence it is a mysterious place as it is just a big area of water. You believe what suits your beliefs.

There may be some evidence of warmer temperatures this last summer. But just look at my figures. These are official records. They tell a different story.


Smile for me.

Lisa Y coaching