Mindfulness lesson 9


How is your mindfulness going?

A bridge over troubled waters

Today I went to the dentist for a routine cleaning and exam. I would not say I have a fear of the dentist, but I get nervous going. What helps? You got it mindfulness. I followed my breath. I also focused on my feet. I wiggled my toes. Why? Your feet are the farthest distance from your head. So, concentrating on them takes your mind off the dental hygienist cleaning your teeth. See how helpful it is?

The point is that our breath can get us through tough things sometimes. When we feel stressed, we can turn to breathing exercises to calm us down. A few deep breaths can bring peace.

Benefits of mindful breathing

Breath is mindfulness. Breath is a tool for good health. When you practice daily mindful breathing, you are energizing your entire body. You build up your lungs. You energize your blood which in turn energizes your blood.

Mindful breathing brings your mind and body together. If you feel scatter brained, practice mindful breathing.

Mindfulness in everything

As I mentioned before, mindfulness is something to do all day long. You should try to meditate for at least 20 minutes per day. In addition, remember, you will be mindful in every day activities as well. No matter what you are doing you will be aware of your body and the world around you.

We should not be mindless. Don’t allow yourself to continue to be a zombie doing actions without thinking. Stop just going through the motions. Make what ever it is that you are doing a rite. Live in the moment. Right now I am writing this post. Later I will watch a television show. But that is in the future. If I try to get this done to get it done, my heart is not in it. The only thing for me to think about right now is to find the best words to express the message I want to make. Right now, writing this post is the most important thing for me to do. By doing this I am truly living now and not in the future. I am in meditation. I am not sitting on the ground in the lotus position humming. I am typing on a computer. I am aware of what I am doing. I am aware of the light in the room. I am aware of the rain. I am aware of the cars driving by, and I am aware of one of my dogs at my side. I am in the here and the now.

The word rite may seem a little dramatic. But I think it makes it fun. When you think I am practicing the rite of brushing my hair, dusting the house, brushing the dog it makes it fun. It tells you that what you do is important. There is significance in every action.

How are you doing?

Let me know. www.facebook.com/lisaylifecoach

Your mindfulness coach.

Lisa Y coaching