mindfulness lesson 10

Hello you wonderfully mindful people.

meditation day

It used to be that Sunday was a day of rest. When I went to college, many students did not study on Sundays except maybe during finals week. Why? Because they valued a day of rest. They respected a day to just enjoy family and friends.  I want to suggest that we get back to that. It does not have to be Sundays, but take one day to just enjoy the day. Find a day to live in peace and harmony with the world.

On this day you will put your computer away. You will put your phone away. You will turn off all the noise. For a real challenge make it a day you don’t even speak. Just have a day of mindfulness.

Your day

This is your day. Remember the smile I told you to have? On your mindfulness day, that little smile you make to yourself, makes the day even better. Think about Mona Lisa. Got it? Good.

Before you get up practice your breathing. While doing your daily ablutions, be aware of every step you take. Don’t act the zombie. Don’t just go through the motions. Perhaps you may pretend that you are learning to do things for the very first time. You are learning to brush your hair for the first time. You are getting dressed for the very first time. Imagine that you learned how to do this by observing others.

You are not taking a day of doing nothing unless that is what you want. No, this is about going on with your normal routine, but in a very calm and peaceful and quiet way. You want to be one with every task that you do. At that moment, no matter what it is you are doing, it is the most important thing to do. You are the head duster, vacuum operator,  dish washer in the entire land. Make it fun!

The moment

Remember to live in the moment. Don’t think about the 9 other tasks you have to do that day. Do each one as if it were the only thing you have to do that day. Don’t slip into the future. It comes soon enough.

Be a bud quietly sitting in the hedge.

Be a smile one part of wondrous existence.

Stand here. There is no need to depart.

This homeland is a beautiful as the homeland of our childhood.

Do not harm it, please continue to sing…

(Butterfly Over the Field of Golden Mustard Flowers)

Your Week

As you practice this day of meditation, you will see a difference in your entire week. You will become more and more relaxed. Your peacefulness will spread into the rest of the week. Think of it as a ripple in a pond. The ripple starts on say Sunday. It ripples into Monday. Monday ripples into Tuesday and so forth. More and more your mindfulness will grow.

Tell me how your day went. 

I would love to hear from you. www.facebook.com/lisaylifecoach

Lisa Y coaching