Regular “To Do” things and how to remember


Busy. Busy.

So, in this day and age we all seem to have so many things to remember. Seems that life is getting busier and busier. I don’t know that I like the trend. I like a more simple, quiet life. I think we would all be a bit happier if we did not have so many things going on.

I forgot

Don’t use “I forgot” as an excuse.  It really means, “I  chose not to be responsible and it makes others not want to give you more responsibility, $, etc. Really, do you forget to pay the rent or the mortgage? Do you forget to pay the cable or internet bill? Do you forget to pay the utility bills? If not, why not? Because it is important to YOU. You don’t want your car to be repossessed. You don’t want the water or electricity to be shut off. You want your internet access.

Let me ask you this, how would you feel if it were pay day Friday, and your boss forgot to pay you? You would not be very happy would you? How long would you wait to see if he or she would remember? Days? Weeks? Hours? You would not go home that day without making sure your boss remembered to pay you. So, have the same consideration for others. Don’t forget.

Late for dinner

When I was in college, I had a standing dinner date with my two best friends. We met every day at 5:00 unless we were going out on Friday then we met at 4:00. One friend and I always got there early. We would chat. The other friend would almost always be late. It was probably 15 minutes or so. Every day she would say “Sorry I am late”. One day I told her it was unnecessary to apologize every time. I just expected her to be late. I was just glad to be able to enjoy her company at dinner. But it really was inconsiderate. Hey, everyone is late sometimes, but a habit all the time really says this is not important to me. But it should be. Lateness is just rude. When you are late, you are telling the other person that you and your needs are so important.

No excuses

In this day and age, it really is inexcusable to forget. Really, we have smart phones with calendars built right in. There is an app for that. Our computers have calendars. Either one of those things can be set to remind you of any and all appointments. If there is something you need to do every day, every week, every month, set the calendar on that phone or computer. It is that simple.

Some people today are so hooked on electronics they seek out the latest software. Frankly, I think all the special software and apps are too much. They tend to complicate things. The other day a man said his answer was sticky notes. I like that. It is simple and yet it works.


You don’t need fancy spreadsheets to keep track of your money. You know that you have certain bills every month, right? There is the housing expense, the credit card(s), the phone etc. A simple calendar will work just fine. Each bill comes due the same time every month. My utility bill comes the 11th every month. All I need to do is mark the calendar that the utility bill is the 11th, and I look for the bill in email, then I pay it. Make one day a week the pay the bills day. It really is that easy.

How about things like car payments? If you have a car, unless you have it paid off there is a monthly payment, right? How do you keep track? Do you have some new software? Why? When you purchase or lease a car, there are so many payments. All you need is a simple document. You can call it “car payment”. And as you make your payments, make a note something like, January 15th made payment 21 of 36. Or you can have a list of the months. It could look something like this: (  ) January 2016 and after you make the payment put a little check mark in the ( ). It really is that simple.

But if you really have a hard time remembering, auto bill pay is a great idea. But you may want to keep track in your “car payment” document. Why? So you know exactly what you paid and how much you still owe.

Be Responsible, be considerate

By being responsible, you are actually being considerate. It may not be important to you if you make that car payment on time, but it is important to the car dealership that put that car in your driveway. Just because they are a big company it still matters to be responsible and pay them on time. Remember, they have bills too.

Don’t forget.

Money help

If you need any more money tips, I love helping people with managing their finances. Really, do you want to manage your finances or do you want your finances to manage you? Let me know.


Lisa Y coaching