Buzz steps to help bees


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Need for bees

Bees are such good friends.  Bees pollinate the crops. They are losing their habitats and food. We need to help them.

Seven simple things you can do. 

  1. Provide clean water. Their water supply needs to be shallow and have a landing platform. They can easily drown without something to stand on. A bird bath with wood floating on top or a pie pan with pebbles will do the trick.
  2. Provide cover. Not all bees live in colonies or hives. Let some of your hedges go untrimmed or a little bit of weedy areas will give them nesting areas. You can also add nesting boxes for tunnel dwelling bees.
  3.  Plant single-species groupings. Flowers grown in large patches say 3′ X 3′ are easily found by bees. In these flower beds put one type of flowers that bees enjoy. They are particularly fond of honey suckle, crocus, hyacinth, calendula, coneflowers, phlox, snapdragons, zinnias, asters, goldenrod, hostas, lavender, mint, oregano, and rosemary.
  4. Stagger bloom times.  Bees need food from early spring to late fall. By planting throughout the year in spring, summer, and fall, the bees will have food as needed.
  5. Replace part of your lawn with flowering plants. Bees-friendly clover works well. And they actually like dandelions. Let the dandelions grow in the corner. Dandelions are most important in spring. This is usually the number one food source after winter hibernation.
  6. Plant native flowers. Native plants grow best and thus provide the best nectar and pollen. Plants that are not native may not have the best nectar and pollen.
  7. Avoid Chemicals. Bees are hurt and killed by pesticides. It is also best to buy organic plants to avoid pesticide residue from the growers.

Bees are our friends. They need our help. I hope you found this educational, and motivational to do your part by doing even one of these tips.



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