Breakable and makeable are habits.


So, I want to talk to you today about habits.

Habits are simple.

Habits are a really easy and basic thing. A lot of people think that a bad habit is hard to break. That is not so. Think of a habit as a trend in your life. If you have a habit to break, there are two simple things to do.

Understanding the habit.

One, you need to understand the reason behind it. What need is being met? And two, you need to replace it by starting a new habit that meets that need on a higher level. It’s that simple.

The reason behind it.

What is the reason behind it? Well, this is an individual thing. You know the answer, but it is something that needs to be uncovered. A few minutes with someone who knows what to ask, can uncover this need.

Out with the old in with the new.

When the old habit does not meet your need anymore, you will quit the old habit. Replacing that habit is also simple. It is possible for anyone to change a trend of his life by making it an active part of his consciousness in daily experience until it becomes a habit every moment of the day, instead of an occasional thought.

Example one:

I recently discovered a word I think is fun. I wanted to incorporate it into my life. So, I consciously started to use it. Within a couple of weeks, this word is now a natural part of my vocabulary.

Example two:

I am 52 years old. I love animals. It has bothered me for so long to eat meat. I have felt like a hypocrite saying I love animals, but eat them. I have wanted to be a vegetarian for years. What stopped me? I did not think I could easily get my proteins. Just the other day I saw a story on how to get your proteins. It became simple. So, on Sunday, I stopped eating meat. Yep! Just like that I stopped eating meat.

Look, eating meat was a life-time habit. I love meat. But I have quit. I find it easy and rewarding to not eat it anymore.

What ever habit, addiction, you want to break, you can. And you can make a new habit.

Need help? Let me know.


Smile for me.

Lisa Y coaching

Fun stuff August 23

Hey! How are you today? I want to start today out with the fun stuff.

Word of the day: 

odium… (noun) Strong dislike, contempt, or aversion.

 Day in history:

Sacco and Vanzetti Are Executed (1927)

The 1920 armed robbery and murder trial of the young Italian immigrants Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti was one of the most controversial in US history. Though some believed the verdict was just, others argued that the two men were innocent and were only found guilty because they were immigrants and political radicals. Their defenders waged a fierce legal and public relations battle to save the men’s lives, but they were executed in 1927.


Gene Kelly (1912)

Kelly was an American dancer, choreographer,actor, and movie director. After training at his mother’s dance school in Pittsburgh, he moved to New York in 1938 and danced in Broadway musicals. His athletic style later became a hallmark of the movie musical. His most famous performance came in Singin’ in the Rain, which he also helped choreograph and direct. His achievements earned him a special Academy Award in 1952.


To seek to extinguish anger utterly is butbravery of the Stoics.

Francis Bacon (1561-1626


  1. Now extinct what shark was thought to be the largest on Earth?
  2. What ancient analog computer was discovered by divers off the a Greek island in 1900?
  3.  Writer Eric Blair goes by what pen name?

Contest for today: 

What embarrassing thing happened to you?

Let me know:


Smile for me!

Lisa Y coaching

Fun time August, 22, 2016


So here is your fun stuff for today.

Word of the day:

irk: To be irritating, wearisome, or vexing to

Day in History:

The Battle of Bosworth Field (1485)

The Battle of Bosworth Field was the penultimate battle of the Wars of the Roses in which Henry Tudor defeated the royal forces of Richard III, the last king of the House of York. Richard was killed in battle, and Henry advanced to London and was crowned as Henry VII. In 1486, Henry married Edward IV’s daughter,Elizabeth, thus uniting the houses of York and Lancaster, ending the Wars of the Roses and founding the Tudor royal dynasty.

Today’s birthday

Deng Xiaoping (1904)

Deng was a Chinese revolutionary and government leader. A veteran of the Long March, he became deputy premier in 1952 and soon joined the Politburo Standing Committee.He was ousted and reinstated several times and at one point was assigned to work in a tractor factory. From the late 1970s until his death in 1997, he was China’s most powerful leader. He promoted a wide-reaching reform program that introduced free-enterprise elements into the economy.

Quote of the day

Few are qualified to shine in company; but it is in most men’s power to be agreeable. Jonathan Swift


In John Verne’s story, the fictional submarine Nautilus was captured by which character?

Which President is known as the great communicator?

In the world of video games, what does NES stand for?

Monday contest

What do you hate? If you would like to vent, visit me:

I hope you are having a great day.

Smile for me.


Lisa Y life coaching

Fun time August 19

Word of the Day

credenza; noun) A buffet, sideboard, or bookcase, especially one without legs.

Day in History

American Outlaw John Wesley Hardin Shot Dead (1895)

Hardin was an American desperado who claimed to have killed 42 men, one of them allegedly for snoring. He became a gambler and a gunman very early in life, but his friends and gun fighting skills helped him evade the authorities until 1877, when he was sentenced to 25 years for killing a sheriff. He studied law in prison and was released after serving 16 years. Pardoned in 1894, he passed the bar exam and began to practice law, but a local constable shot him to death a year later.

Today’s Birthday

Madame du Barry (1743)

Madame du Barry was the mistress of LouisXV. She was first the mistress of Jean du Barry, who introduced her into Parisian high society. Admired for her beauty, she joined Louis XV’s court in 1769 after a nominal marriage to Jean’s brother, a nobleman,qualified her to be Louis’s official royal mistress. Though she exercised little political influence, her unpopularity contributed to the decline of the prestige of the crown in the early 1770s.

Quote of the day

A most paradoxical mixture of sound and silence pervades the shady parts of the wood.The noise from the insects is so loud…; yet within the recesses of the forest a universal silence appears to reign.

Charles Darwin (1809-1882)


  1. What is a baby rabbit called?
  2. What is the lowest point on dry land on Earth?
  3. Who wrote the Little Mermaid?

Friday Contest

Example of either a mean person or a boss with unreasonable requests.

Share at


Smile it’s Friday.

Lisa Y coaching

Fun Time August 18, 2016


So, I wanted to add some variety. I am going to try to add some fun things most every day. So here it goes:

Word of the day

Terse: Definition: (adjective) Brief and to the point; effectively concise.

This day in history

The Lost Colony: The Colony of Roanoke Is Found Deserted (1590)


Meriwether Lewis (1774) After serving as a captain in the US army, Lewis became secretary to President Thomas Jefferson. When Congress approved a plan to find a land route to the Pacific Ocean, Jefferson selected his trusted associate, along with William Clark, to head the expedition. In 1807, Lewis was made governor of the Louisiana Territory. His sudden death—either by murder or suicide—in 1809, while on his way to Washington, DC, is still the subject of controversy.


 Nothing in the world is permanent, and we’re foolish when we ask anything to last, but surely we’re still more foolish not to take delight in it while we have it.
W. Somerset Maugham (1874-1965)

Trivia questions

 One) What does trivia mean?
Two)With over 17 million units produced, what was the highest selling single model of personal computer ever?
Three)An octopus can fit through any hole larger than its what?

Thursday contest

 What is a funny or odd family rule you have or had? Or What odd family tradition did you have or have now? Let me know!


Smile for me!

LisaY coaching

Why bad things happen


How are you? Hope all is well.

Have you ever wondered why bad things happen?

This is one of the biggest questions we have. When bad things happen, we often wonder what we did to deserve this bad thing. Some people think bad things happen because God is unhappy with us and wants to teach us a lesson. Some people think the Devil has done something to make our lives miserable. Some think it is karma and we earned this bad thing, but we may not be able to think of what it was.

What do you do when bad things happen?

When you are going through a tough time, what do you do? Do you ponder what got you into this bad time? Do you pray? Do you ask God for forgiveness and promise to be a better person? Do you ask God why? Do you try to learn from the experience?

Bad things are not done to us.

Some people think that bad things are forced upon us as punishments from God. I think not. We bring the bad things upon ourselves by taking or not taking a certain action. We make decisions. Sometimes we make a decision that makes a good time and sometimes a bad time.

Everything happens for a reason.

Some people will say that is not true. They say sometimes things just happen. They will say that’s just life. There are good times and there are bad times. Well, that is true. There are good times and bad times. But all that happens is for us to learn a life lesson. The purpose of life is to learn, to improve as human beings.

Be careful what you wish for.

You most certainly have heard the expression be careful what you wish for. Have you ever been confused by that? If you got what you wished for, you would be happy, right? Well, have you ever seen a movie with a Genie in it? The Genie is to grant 3 wishes, and the way the wish is granted is not what the person had in mind. That happens because the wisher is not specific.


You are a very busy person. There are a lot of demands on your life. You have a job. You have a family. You have a house and yard to take care of. The car needs work. Your child is sick. Your computer has a virus. You are tired. You are worn out. You feel pulled in various directions at once. What keeps going through your mind? I need a break. So, life, like that tricky Genie, gives you a break. Uhh, a break in your leg. Oops! Well, you got a break, and a break. Your leg is broken, but that gives you a break from life doesn’t it? You may not be 100% free of the responsibilities of life, but you will get more breaks. Your boss may give you easier work. Your co workers may help you out some. You have an excuse to hire the kid down the road to mow your lawn.

What to do?

So, when you are going through a bad time, what should you do? Well, the easy answer is to figure out what is going on. See, as I have mentioned before, there are 4 needs that must be met. And this bad time, is filling a need. That need would be better met in another way. So, you can do is ask yourself why am I doing this? Why am I going through this? What benefit am I getting from this experience? It helps to think about all the times you have felt the same way you are right now.

Then What?

Then you need to ask yourself what action can I take to get the same benefit without this painful experience? Go back to those past experiences. How did they all turn out? How did you turn things around before? Everything worked out before. It will work out this time too.  When it does, ask why and what.  Why did this work out? What did I get out of this?

Challenge of self-diagnosis

You can figure this out on your own. There is a challenge however. If this idea that we create our own world is unfamiliar to you, you may not know what is going on. You just know you are going through a tough time. And sometimes you are so wrapped up, you just don’t think straight. You may get help from a friend or a family member. Sometimes people close to us know us so well, they can see right through the situation and get to the core of it all. It is always easier to see what is happening in someone else’s life than your own. For self-diagnosis, you need to separate yourself from the situation, and look at your life as another would do.

Need help?

If you are going through a tough time, and want to understand it better, I can help. If you understand it better, you may be able to get yourself on the right track, and avoid making the same mistake over and over again. Once you see the pattern in your life, you can learn to stop yourself and change course.

Let me know:

OK take care!

Lisa Y. coaching

P.S. When the good times happen, that may be a good time to ask why also? We don’t ever question the good times. We always seem to deserve those. 


Negotiation Trick


I’m back!

Negotiation Trick

So, years ago, I took negotiation training. One of the biggest things I learned is to offer what people want. So often when one person wants something for damages the person making the offer offers the wrong thing, and the other person keeps on refusing the offer. It can be baffling and frustrating.

Air Conditioning

A few years ago,  I sold a home. The air conditioner needed a little work. All it needed was Freon. But somehow in the communications I felt I should just replace the air conditioner. So, I offered. NO! That was the answer. Just put in the Freon. I was baffled. I was willing to give them a brand new air conditioner, and all they wanted was the leak fixed and the Freon replaced. I did that!

The point

The point is that sometimes, what people want and what other people offer can be very different. So, what to do? When you want to make amends with someone for some damages, ask them what they want. Now, they may be demanding more than what you want to offer. Then again, they may ask for less than you were willing to give.


If they ask more than you are willing to give, then you need to use that as a starting point for compromise. If they are reasonable, they will come down from their “asking” point.

The Jerk

Admit it. Some people are just jerks. Some people will make an offer. You agree. Then, they change their mind and ask for more. I think at this point the best thing to do is remind them they made the offer, and you agreed. If that does not work, say hey, I agreed to our deal. My offer is good for (some period of time). I hope you will change your mind and accept what you asked for. Then, walk away. They very likely will feel they have pushed you as far as they can, and will accept your offer.

In Writing

I am sure I don’t need to remind you, but make sure you have everything in writing. I think it is unfortunate in this day and age that a handshake is not enough. But, it isn’t. No matter with whom you are dealing, get it in writing.

Need Help?

If you would like help with a negotiation, let me know! You can reach me at:

Good luck and may you not deal with a jerk!


Smile for me.

Lisa Y. life coaching



How are YOU? I hope things are going well.


Let’s talk about your personal cheerleaders. If you are fortunate, you have a handful of people who cheer you on. These are family and friends who back you up. They encourage you. They give you a boost when you need it. They pick you up when you need it. They are also there when you have had a defeat.


Some cheerleaders will stick with you forever. Some will come in and out of your life. Some will help with some things and not others. You probably know what type of cheerleaders you have. I know I have cheerleaders I turn to for some things and not others. Do you have cheerleaders like that? Do you tell one person certain things but not other things?


Sometimes you have to toot your own horn. Sometimes you need to celebrate your successes in life. When your cheerleaders are taking a vacation, you need to toot your own horn. It’s OK to do that. Some people don’t want to do that because they think it is bragging. But it isn’t. It is celebrating.


If you need a cheerleader, and want someone to cheer you on, leave me a message. It would be my pleasure!

You can tell me your rah rah message at:

I’ll be smiling for you!


Lisa Y. coaching


Confused over kindness


Helping a  stranger.

So, I wanted to share something with you. The other day a friend of mine called to talk about a problem. This problem involves another person as well. In a nutshell, the other person needs a few bucks to pay for something she broke. If she does not get the money, my friend will be sued. It’s complicated.  I used to have a work relationship with this person, but I don’t really know her. But to keep my friend from being sued, I said I would lend the money to the other lady pay for the broken item.

Why am I telling you this?

The other lady asked my friend why would I do that. Why would I help her? She was confused by my kindness. Yep! She could not believe someone would help her out of a jam.

The point is people should not be confused or suspicious over the kindness of others.

Is this world today?

Have we become so cynical that we don’t trust others who help us? Are we suspicious of people just because they were nice?  Are we always waiting for the catch? Is this woman wondering what I will want in addition to my money back? Frankly, I just want my money back.

What to do.

So, what to do? This is not the world I want to live in. I don’t want people to be looking over their shoulder not trusting others so much. Maybe if people get used to kindness they would get used to it. So, I want to urge you to do even small acts of kindness. It does not take much. And when you do, smile. Nod. And think yes, I made the world a better place.

How can I help you?

I would like to help you in any way that I can (but not financially).  But if you need someone to listen, I am your shoulder to lean on. If you need someone to help you with motivation or problem solving, I am your thinking partner. If you need help with a relationship issue, I am your relationship trainer.

Just leave a message:

Take care!


Lisa Yerington, life coach

Smile for me.


The Sparrow


The Sparrow

So, I just wanted to share this with you. This morning as I went to get my newspaper, I found a small sparrow. He was lying on the side of the driveway. Obviously it was not well. I picked it up and took it to my garage. I made a place for it to rest on top of my washer and dryer. I tried to get water to it, but I could not get it to drink. As I held it’s tiny body, I figured it would not live long. It was breathing heavily, and it closed it’s eyes.

I left it. I wished it would rest and recover. When I returned to check on it maybe an hour later, it had passed. I cried. For the next hour, I felt very sad, and cried a little more.

I care deeply.

Why am I telling you this? Because I want you to understand that I am very caring. A little bird I only “knew” for a couple of hours touched my heart. It does not take long for me to care deeply. If I care about a small sparrow, I care about you.

My wish today.

My wish today is I wish that on some conscious level that little bird knew I cared and that I loved it. What greater way to express love than to want to comfort another living thing when it is dying?

Caring or strange.

Any way, I just wanted to share that with you. You either think I am very caring or very strange for feeling sad for a wild bird.

What can I do for you?

If there is any way that you think I can help you, let me know.  Leave a message:

Smile for me.

Lisa Yerington, life coach