Fun stuff for Friday August 26


It’s Friday! For someone who works every day, it does not mean much, but I hope you enjoy it. Here is today’s fun stuff.

Word of the day


Definition: (noun) A toroidal shape.
Synonyms: doughnut, anchor ring, halo, ring

He was reclining on the red couch, blowing annuli ofsmoke that would slowly ascend and disappear into wisps

Day in History

National Assembly of Quebec Adopts the Charter of the French Language (1977)

In 1976, the Parti Québécois, a party of French-Canadian nationalists formed in 1970, won control of the provincial parliament. Among its first acts was the passage of Lacharte de la langue française—the Charter of the French Language. Also known as Bill 101, the controversial legislation made French the official language of Quebec and prohibited the use of English on signs and in most commercial transactions.

Today’s Birthday

Robert Walpole, First Earl of Orford (1676)

Walpole was an English statesman. Elected to the House of Commons in 1701, he later served as secretary of war. With the accession of George I, he rose rapidly to become first lord of the treasury and chancellor of the exchequer. With his consolidation of power, he effectively became the first British prime minister. He avoided foreign entanglement and kept England neutral until 1739, when he was forced into the War of Jenkins’ Ear against Spain


Contempt is that which putteth an edge upon anger, as much or more than the hurt itself.

Francis Bacon (1561-1


  1. One kilobyte is equal to how many bytes?
  2. Who is the 5th Beatle?
  3. What is the largest desert in the world?


Tell me about unreasonable boss requests or a mean person.

Lisa Y. life coaching


Smile for me.