Fun stuff, August 25


Here is the fun stuff for today.

Word of the Day


(noun) A nook or corner beside an open fireplace.

Day in History

WWII: The Liberation of Paris (1944)

The Liberation of Paris is considered the last battle of the Normandy Campaign to free France from German occupation. In July,about a month after the Allied invasions of southern France and Normandy, Allied ground troops finally broke out of the beachheads and began a rapid advance across northern France.With help from the French resistance, Free French and US forces and liberated Paris in August.


Althea Gibson (1927)

Gibson, a US tennis player, was the first African-American woman to compete on the world tennis tour. Though tennis had essentially been segregated until that time,she was finally given an opportunity to play at the US Championships in 1950. Having broken the color barrier, she went on to become the first black person to win Wimbledon. She was inducted into the International Tennis Hall of Fame in 1971


Character is not cut in marble—it is not something solid and unalterable. It is something living and changing, and may become diseased as our bodies do.

George Eliot (1819-1880


  1. Edward Teach was an English pirate other wise known as what?
  2. First music video on MTV was what?
  3.  Lemurs are native to what island nation?


Tell me about either a strange family tradition or a funny/odd family rule you had as a kid.


Smile for me1

Lisa Y coaching