It Happens


So, It happens.

And when it does, you need to be ready for it. Be prepared. 

The Real World

When I was a younger, before I got into the “real” world, I had no idea the challenges you face as an adult. Until you get on your own, you don’t really understand the ups and downs of life. You don’t necessarily think life is smooth sailing all the time, but you don’t really understand that something comes up all the time. You also don’t understand that you need to be ready. It happens.

Ready for the unexpected

So, you can’t be ready for some unknown event. Well, you can be ready in some ways. You can have emergency food, water and batteries for a natural disaster like a tornado. But what else can you do?

Well, you need an emergency fund. In this day and age you should have access to no less than $1000. A credit card is fine. But some extra emergency cash is ideal.

You should also keep good records. You never know when you may need to refer to information in a legal matter. As a young woman, I never would have thought I would be involved in legal issues, but you can be very easily.

On this same line of thinking, always be well informed on the things in your life. Understand your lease or your mortgage. Know your rights. Understand your insurance.

These are just a few examples. It happens. 

Expect the unexpected

The point is that one minute you may be getting to the end of a month, and think hey this month is going really well, and the next thing you know the car needs $1200 worth of repairs. The refrigerator dies with a lot of food in it. You lose your job. Your grand father dies. Or? And now just when you think you will get ahead, you have a set back. It happens. 


We used to say life is a magazine, it costs a dollar and you only have 10 cents, and that’s life. It happens.

T shirts

For fun, I am  selling “It Happens” shirts. If you want to join the fun, go to to get yours today. Proceeds will go to the local animal shelter and foster care for animals.

It happened

It happened and you don’t know what to do? Or you are having a difficult time, and want help getting through it? Let me know. That is what I am here for. Tell me what happened.


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