Fun time August, 22, 2016


So here is your fun stuff for today.

Word of the day:

irk: To be irritating, wearisome, or vexing to

Day in History:

The Battle of Bosworth Field (1485)

The Battle of Bosworth Field was the penultimate battle of the Wars of the Roses in which Henry Tudor defeated the royal forces of Richard III, the last king of the House of York. Richard was killed in battle, and Henry advanced to London and was crowned as Henry VII. In 1486, Henry married Edward IV’s daughter,Elizabeth, thus uniting the houses of York and Lancaster, ending the Wars of the Roses and founding the Tudor royal dynasty.

Today’s birthday

Deng Xiaoping (1904)

Deng was a Chinese revolutionary and government leader. A veteran of the Long March, he became deputy premier in 1952 and soon joined the Politburo Standing Committee.He was ousted and reinstated several times and at one point was assigned to work in a tractor factory. From the late 1970s until his death in 1997, he was China’s most powerful leader. He promoted a wide-reaching reform program that introduced free-enterprise elements into the economy.

Quote of the day

Few are qualified to shine in company; but it is in most men’s power to be agreeable. Jonathan Swift


In John Verne’s story, the fictional submarine Nautilus was captured by which character?

Which President is known as the great communicator?

In the world of video games, what does NES stand for?

Monday contest

What do you hate? If you would like to vent, visit me:

I hope you are having a great day.

Smile for me.


Lisa Y life coaching