Why bad things happen


How are you? Hope all is well.

Have you ever wondered why bad things happen?

This is one of the biggest questions we have. When bad things happen, we often wonder what we did to deserve this bad thing. Some people think bad things happen because God is unhappy with us and wants to teach us a lesson. Some people think the Devil has done something to make our lives miserable. Some think it is karma and we earned this bad thing, but we may not be able to think of what it was.

What do you do when bad things happen?

When you are going through a tough time, what do you do? Do you ponder what got you into this bad time? Do you pray? Do you ask God for forgiveness and promise to be a better person? Do you ask God why? Do you try to learn from the experience?

Bad things are not done to us.

Some people think that bad things are forced upon us as punishments from God. I think not. We bring the bad things upon ourselves by taking or not taking a certain action. We make decisions. Sometimes we make a decision that makes a good time and sometimes a bad time.

Everything happens for a reason.

Some people will say that is not true. They say sometimes things just happen. They will say that’s just life. There are good times and there are bad times. Well, that is true. There are good times and bad times. But all that happens is for us to learn a life lesson. The purpose of life is to learn, to improve as human beings.

Be careful what you wish for.

You most certainly have heard the expression be careful what you wish for. Have you ever been confused by that? If you got what you wished for, you would be happy, right? Well, have you ever seen a movie with a Genie in it? The Genie is to grant 3 wishes, and the way the wish is granted is not what the person had in mind. That happens because the wisher is not specific.


You are a very busy person. There are a lot of demands on your life. You have a job. You have a family. You have a house and yard to take care of. The car needs work. Your child is sick. Your computer has a virus. You are tired. You are worn out. You feel pulled in various directions at once. What keeps going through your mind? I need a break. So, life, like that tricky Genie, gives you a break. Uhh, a break in your leg. Oops! Well, you got a break, and a break. Your leg is broken, but that gives you a break from life doesn’t it? You may not be 100% free of the responsibilities of life, but you will get more breaks. Your boss may give you easier work. Your co workers may help you out some. You have an excuse to hire the kid down the road to mow your lawn.

What to do?

So, when you are going through a bad time, what should you do? Well, the easy answer is to figure out what is going on. See, as I have mentioned before, there are 4 needs that must be met. And this bad time, is filling a need. That need would be better met in another way. So, you can do is ask yourself why am I doing this? Why am I going through this? What benefit am I getting from this experience? It helps to think about all the times you have felt the same way you are right now.

Then What?

Then you need to ask yourself what action can I take to get the same benefit without this painful experience? Go back to those past experiences. How did they all turn out? How did you turn things around before? Everything worked out before. It will work out this time too.  When it does, ask why and what.  Why did this work out? What did I get out of this?

Challenge of self-diagnosis

You can figure this out on your own. There is a challenge however. If this idea that we create our own world is unfamiliar to you, you may not know what is going on. You just know you are going through a tough time. And sometimes you are so wrapped up, you just don’t think straight. You may get help from a friend or a family member. Sometimes people close to us know us so well, they can see right through the situation and get to the core of it all. It is always easier to see what is happening in someone else’s life than your own. For self-diagnosis, you need to separate yourself from the situation, and look at your life as another would do.

Need help?

If you are going through a tough time, and want to understand it better, I can help. If you understand it better, you may be able to get yourself on the right track, and avoid making the same mistake over and over again. Once you see the pattern in your life, you can learn to stop yourself and change course.

Let me know: www.facebook.com/lisaylifecoach

OK take care!

Lisa Y. coaching

P.S. When the good times happen, that may be a good time to ask why also? We don’t ever question the good times. We always seem to deserve those. 
