Fun Time August 18, 2016


So, I wanted to add some variety. I am going to try to add some fun things most every day. So here it goes:

Word of the day

Terse: Definition: (adjective) Brief and to the point; effectively concise.

This day in history

The Lost Colony: The Colony of Roanoke Is Found Deserted (1590)


Meriwether Lewis (1774) After serving as a captain in the US army, Lewis became secretary to President Thomas Jefferson. When Congress approved a plan to find a land route to the Pacific Ocean, Jefferson selected his trusted associate, along with William Clark, to head the expedition. In 1807, Lewis was made governor of the Louisiana Territory. His sudden death—either by murder or suicide—in 1809, while on his way to Washington, DC, is still the subject of controversy.


 Nothing in the world is permanent, and we’re foolish when we ask anything to last, but surely we’re still more foolish not to take delight in it while we have it.
W. Somerset Maugham (1874-1965)

Trivia questions

 One) What does trivia mean?
Two)With over 17 million units produced, what was the highest selling single model of personal computer ever?
Three)An octopus can fit through any hole larger than its what?

Thursday contest

 What is a funny or odd family rule you have or had? Or What odd family tradition did you have or have now? Let me know!


Smile for me!

LisaY coaching