Negotiation Trick


I’m back!

Negotiation Trick

So, years ago, I took negotiation training. One of the biggest things I learned is to offer what people want. So often when one person wants something for damages the person making the offer offers the wrong thing, and the other person keeps on refusing the offer. It can be baffling and frustrating.

Air Conditioning

A few years ago,  I sold a home. The air conditioner needed a little work. All it needed was Freon. But somehow in the communications I felt I should just replace the air conditioner. So, I offered. NO! That was the answer. Just put in the Freon. I was baffled. I was willing to give them a brand new air conditioner, and all they wanted was the leak fixed and the Freon replaced. I did that!

The point

The point is that sometimes, what people want and what other people offer can be very different. So, what to do? When you want to make amends with someone for some damages, ask them what they want. Now, they may be demanding more than what you want to offer. Then again, they may ask for less than you were willing to give.


If they ask more than you are willing to give, then you need to use that as a starting point for compromise. If they are reasonable, they will come down from their “asking” point.

The Jerk

Admit it. Some people are just jerks. Some people will make an offer. You agree. Then, they change their mind and ask for more. I think at this point the best thing to do is remind them they made the offer, and you agreed. If that does not work, say hey, I agreed to our deal. My offer is good for (some period of time). I hope you will change your mind and accept what you asked for. Then, walk away. They very likely will feel they have pushed you as far as they can, and will accept your offer.

In Writing

I am sure I don’t need to remind you, but make sure you have everything in writing. I think it is unfortunate in this day and age that a handshake is not enough. But, it isn’t. No matter with whom you are dealing, get it in writing.

Need Help?

If you would like help with a negotiation, let me know! You can reach me at:

Good luck and may you not deal with a jerk!


Smile for me.

Lisa Y. life coaching