Confused over kindness


Helping a  stranger.

So, I wanted to share something with you. The other day a friend of mine called to talk about a problem. This problem involves another person as well. In a nutshell, the other person needs a few bucks to pay for something she broke. If she does not get the money, my friend will be sued. It’s complicated.  I used to have a work relationship with this person, but I don’t really know her. But to keep my friend from being sued, I said I would lend the money to the other lady pay for the broken item.

Why am I telling you this?

The other lady asked my friend why would I do that. Why would I help her? She was confused by my kindness. Yep! She could not believe someone would help her out of a jam.

The point is people should not be confused or suspicious over the kindness of others.

Is this world today?

Have we become so cynical that we don’t trust others who help us? Are we suspicious of people just because they were nice?  Are we always waiting for the catch? Is this woman wondering what I will want in addition to my money back? Frankly, I just want my money back.

What to do.

So, what to do? This is not the world I want to live in. I don’t want people to be looking over their shoulder not trusting others so much. Maybe if people get used to kindness they would get used to it. So, I want to urge you to do even small acts of kindness. It does not take much. And when you do, smile. Nod. And think yes, I made the world a better place.

How can I help you?

I would like to help you in any way that I can (but not financially).  But if you need someone to listen, I am your shoulder to lean on. If you need someone to help you with motivation or problem solving, I am your thinking partner. If you need help with a relationship issue, I am your relationship trainer.

Just leave a message:

Take care!


Lisa Yerington, life coach

Smile for me.