Don’t be afraid to open your heart?

Hello again~

Everyone has their specific purpose in life. There is that one thing to which they are drawn. But as a whole there is one general purpose:

The purpose of life is to serve and to show compassion and the will to help others.  ~Albert Schweitzer

Our days are happier when we give people a bit of our heart. Hearts are delicate things. They break easily. We can go from thinking the world of someone to being so hurt by them we say we hate them. One betrayal, or love not reciprocated, and poof, that relationship is trashed and a heart is broken.

Haunted Heart

This is the heart where beauty lived until the day love died. Now two gray phantoms haunt this heart sorrow and sterile pride.

Laughter dwelt here awhile until faith went away. Now sorrow haunts this heart by night and pride by day.

Ever feel that way? I have.

Dark Despair

To learn that you have been deceived that dark despair.

The darker pain to learn of it and find you no longer care.

Ever feel like that? I have.

Narcissist or afraid to share your heart?

Some people have  real problems with things of the heart. Some have a really hard time giving of their heart. They are so cold some may think of them as a narcissist. Their lack of empathy comes out as spiritual meanness. But is that what is really going on?

Some people are just afraid to lose the feeling of significance by showing love and connection to others. But I am here to tell you that you don’t protect your heart by acting like you don’t have one.

What to do? Do you or someone you know have trouble expressing empathy?


What these people are really showing is apathy. Who cares? Not me? But what are they really doing? They are getting the need for control met this way.

Love their own self

Would it surprise you that someone you may consider a narcissist may actually not love who they are? Think about it. It is hard to feel for others if you can’t feel for your self.

Love and Connection

Someone who has difficulty expressing love and compassion needs to learn to meet their need for significance at a higher level. There is an imbalance and the connection with others needs to be brought back into their life. How that is done is based on that person. There is no one size fits all for anything. But I will leave you with this thought.

Tears are not a weakness

I actually cry a lot. I cry when I am sad. I cry when I am happy. I cry when I am sad. Some people think it is a sign of weakness to cry easily, to be emotional. It isn’t. It actually takes a lot of guts to let people see you cry. It’s an emotion. It serves a need. It is a brave soul that is able to withstand the deepest of joy and pain.

If you need help with your heart, let me know. I am a very good listener. Sometimes just talking can make any situation better.

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Share your heart!

Smile for me,

Lisa Yerington, life coach