Change your life in 47 minutes


How are you today?

So, in 5 steps and 47 minutes, you can uncover the reason you don’t make that desired change in your life.  Answer these questions:

Step 1: What do you want? What is preventing you from getting that?

Step 2: What will you lose if you don’t change? How will that feel? What will you gain if you do change? How will that feel? Who will you become if you do or do not change? How will that feel?

Step 3: What has to happen for you to get what you want and need? What actions could you take to make this change?

Step 4: What is your transformational process?

Step 5: Who can keep you accountable for this change? Who is in your life that already gets those kinds of results?

These questions when completely answered will turn your life around. Frankly, I just did this this morning. And boy did I have a revelation! I have had a big question for the last year. What to do? And today, I felt relief. I  felt a big weight lifted off my shoulders. I was so excited I danced in the kitchen, and was so eager to get started on my actions.

If you would like more information, leave a message at

Lisa Yerington, life coach
