A monkey changed the world, can you?

The world is in pain.

We all see the pain in the world. It’s everywhere. The pain is not separate from us. We all see it. We all feel it.

World transformation

Transforming the world starts on the individual level and moves out into the world.

The 100th monkey syndrome

In Japan in 1952, scientists were studying wild monkeys. One day one monkey did something new. She washed a sweet potato before eating it. As time went on she continued to clean her potatoes. Other monkeys started to wash their potatoes. More and more of them cleaned their potatoes. Then in 1958, when all the monkeys were doing this, scientists noticed monkeys on other islands were doing it too. Now, there was no connection between the islands, and no monkeys had been transferred to other islands.

The evolution of consciousness.

Washing the potatoes was a new level of consciousness. When enough of them had accepted it, it spread from one island to another without any physical contact. We are all connected through consciousness, massive consciousness.

It only takes a spark to get a fire going.

We look at the world as a big. We see the world as a mess. We feel small. We feel powerless. Things may seem hopeless. But the world is our mirror. as we change, it will change.  When a small but significant number of individuals have moved in a new direction and changed their behavior  the masses moved in that direction. It may sound crazy, but if one monkey could change the habit of hundreds of monkeys, can’t we change the world?

What happened?

We have been sleeping. We have been in the dark. We shifted. Now, we are waking up. Our fears and distortions which had been previously ignored because they were too painful to look at are now coming into our consciousness. Problems that have been swept under the rug are now emerging. The time has come to heal the world.

Violence and terrorism

What causes violence? The individual feeling of powerlessness. Our own feeling of terror of not having control over our life. It is like a drowning person reaching out for anything to hold on to. It is in the world consciousness. You can see that, right?

Hate is growing.

People are protesting hate and violence, but what they are not seeing is that their protest is hate and violence too. We are becoming intolerant of intolerance.


If you have ever viewed the dawn from a very high place you know that the night first resists the dawn, seemingly unwilling to allow the light to expose the world. As it first peers over the horizon, the sun seems to shine directly on you, brightening a narrow band of the world before you. As the sun rises, more and more of what lies on either side of that band is illuminated. And as the dawn becomes a day, all around becomes clear. 

Transforming our world is like a dawning. Right now, we are miring around in the darkness. But with changing our consciousness, healing ourselves, a rush of insight will brighten a field of healing.

Our world can be transformed only if we force the dawning. We must do that, but to do it we need the help of certain teachers.

How are you to identify these teachers? They are not in one field of expertise. They are sprinkled throughout all professions. They are not those who entertain their students, though some are entertaining. They are not those who present well organized speeches, though some of them do. You will not identify these teachers by their style. Rather, you will identify them by what and how they get you to learn. These are teachers who teach you both substance and method. These are teachers who are interested in more than their discipline. These are teachers who demand more of you than you think is possible. These are teachers who demand you theorize, that you create understanding, and these are teachers who will show you how to do all of that.

World transformation is a difficult task. This type of learning is difficult to teach, but you must demand it from your teachers. This type of learning is difficult to attain, but you must demand it of yourself. It requires great effort from both of us; it is demanding and exacting.

Your knowledge will expand, but it becomes less certain; you will become restless, inquiring. Easy assumptions and comfortable prejudices will be challenged by doubt and concern. Conformist opinion will begin to be replaced by unpopular belief, apathy by principled action.


This is the throne of Odin, chief of the Norse Gods from which he could see all the world at once.

Climb to Hlidskjalf

I am starting a new 20 week program to transform the world I call Climb to Hlidskjalf. The program is designed to give participants an action to take every week.

100th monkey

I am doing this in groups of 100. Do you want to be the 100th monkey?

If you would like to be part of this program designed to transform your life to transform the world. For more information go to www.facebook.com/lisaylifecoach and leave a message.

I urge each of you to make the climb to Hlidskjalf. The climb to Hlidskjalf is long and arduous. The risks of the climb are many. But the climb is exhilarating, and the view is spectacular.

Your neighborhood.

I firmly believe that our world is a series of neighborhoods. If we all try to improve our neighborhood, we can transform the world one neighborhood at a time.

Yerington Peace Prize

If rescuing  the world is not enough motivation, I would like to offer my own little peace prizes. All you have to do is go to my facebook page and post what you did to bring a little peace, transformation or healing to your neck of the world. There will be one prize for every 100 participants and will be awarded quarterly.

One monkey made a change in the world, so can we.