Dogs and cats, our special guides


Happy Saturday to you all. How are you today? Busy like me? 10:30 am and I have walked for an hour and worked around the house for 3 hours and have taken almost my 10,000 steps already.

Any way  I just want you to pay attention to your relationship with your pets. I have two large dogs. When I talk to them, I realize that what I say to them I could often say to me.

They are very shy. I can be. I am better, but I still have my moments. I often tell them not to be so scared. I tell them they (the public) won’t hurt you. I tell them settle down it will be OK. I tell them they  are fine. Some one could tell me those same things.

The point is the world is our mirror. If you have a dog or two, pay attention to what you tell them. Now, say it to your self.

Now, how about cats. I have had a few over the years even though I am allergic. They came into my life, and I just could not say no.  Any way, cats are unique creatures. Sometimes they are very loving. The next moment they will scratch and bite, right? They will look at you, seemingly understanding when you tell them not to knock that vase or potted plant over. Then as if to purposely irritate you, they knock it over. No wonder we call it *catitude*.

Personally, I think we all need a little catitude ourselves. Pay attention to the things your cat does. Now, see how you can incorporate that sense of self into your own world. You may step out of your comfort zone a bit but I bet you will get a happy grin on your face. You’re doing it now, aren’t you? I am.

It isn’t just our cats and dogs that guide us. It is every one in our lives. What pushes your buttons? Now, how could you be pushing your own buttons?

Look in the mirror. It is quite eye opening.

Have a great day! Smile for me.



No one wants to lose weight.


How are you today?

So you made that New Year’s Resolution, you know the one to lose weight.

How is that going for you? If you have lost anything at all, congratulate yourself. Did you meet your goal? Have you quit trying?

How many of you right now want to lose weight?

Well, frankly, you don’t want to lose weight. Losing weight is a vehicle to an end goal.

Your end goal may be to fit into a smaller pair of jeans, lower your cholesterol, lower you blood pressure or look sexier. Those things are benefits of losing weight.

So what do you want?

Well, frankly, without more information from you, I don’t know. It is different for everyone. But the reason is one of four survival needs.


I want to share Mike’s story. Mike wanted to get into his own fitness business. Mike wanted to lose 23 pounds before going into his own fitness business. He wanted to be a good example. He would lose a pound here and a pound there then gain some back. You know the cycle, right? The weight went up, the weight went down. Ever happen to you?

Mike, what do you want to change? My weight. Well, with a few questions, what was really going on with Mike was excess weight was filling the need for significance. Being just 23 pounds over his ideal weight, gave Mike certainty.

What was being met by not changing?   Losing weight would bring uncertainty to his life.   Losing weight was an excuse to not  succeed which also would be uncertainty. We avoid doing something (lose weight)as there is a concern that doing that thing (lose weight) we will not continue to meet the need we have which is being met, in this case the need for significance. This is why people get stuck in transforming their lives.

Quitting his efforts to lose weight created certainty. He was certain he could not lose weight. This led to apathy which provided certainty and significance. He was in control of his body. It was his decision.

People get “addicted” to how they are meeting that need. Addiction gets in the way. Addiction is a habit. When addiction stops meeting your need, you will quit your addiction. In this case, not losing weight.

What to do? Find a new action to meet your need in a positive way.

With a few more questions, an action plan was made.

When you make that switch from meeting a need from a lower level to a higher one, you feel so great. Your whole persona changes.

So, there you have it. I hope that now you understand that no one really wants to lose weight. We do want to lose that old way of meeting a need, and trade it in for a new and improved way of meeting that need.

Until next time, take care.

If you have a need you would like to meet in a more positive way, or would simply like to understand what motivates you, let me know. I can be messaged at or my web site is


Smile for me!

Lisa Y., life coach




Don’t be afraid to open your heart?

Hello again~

Everyone has their specific purpose in life. There is that one thing to which they are drawn. But as a whole there is one general purpose:

The purpose of life is to serve and to show compassion and the will to help others.  ~Albert Schweitzer

Our days are happier when we give people a bit of our heart. Hearts are delicate things. They break easily. We can go from thinking the world of someone to being so hurt by them we say we hate them. One betrayal, or love not reciprocated, and poof, that relationship is trashed and a heart is broken.

Haunted Heart

This is the heart where beauty lived until the day love died. Now two gray phantoms haunt this heart sorrow and sterile pride.

Laughter dwelt here awhile until faith went away. Now sorrow haunts this heart by night and pride by day.

Ever feel that way? I have.

Dark Despair

To learn that you have been deceived that dark despair.

The darker pain to learn of it and find you no longer care.

Ever feel like that? I have.

Narcissist or afraid to share your heart?

Some people have  real problems with things of the heart. Some have a really hard time giving of their heart. They are so cold some may think of them as a narcissist. Their lack of empathy comes out as spiritual meanness. But is that what is really going on?

Some people are just afraid to lose the feeling of significance by showing love and connection to others. But I am here to tell you that you don’t protect your heart by acting like you don’t have one.

What to do? Do you or someone you know have trouble expressing empathy?


What these people are really showing is apathy. Who cares? Not me? But what are they really doing? They are getting the need for control met this way.

Love their own self

Would it surprise you that someone you may consider a narcissist may actually not love who they are? Think about it. It is hard to feel for others if you can’t feel for your self.

Love and Connection

Someone who has difficulty expressing love and compassion needs to learn to meet their need for significance at a higher level. There is an imbalance and the connection with others needs to be brought back into their life. How that is done is based on that person. There is no one size fits all for anything. But I will leave you with this thought.

Tears are not a weakness

I actually cry a lot. I cry when I am sad. I cry when I am happy. I cry when I am sad. Some people think it is a sign of weakness to cry easily, to be emotional. It isn’t. It actually takes a lot of guts to let people see you cry. It’s an emotion. It serves a need. It is a brave soul that is able to withstand the deepest of joy and pain.

If you need help with your heart, let me know. I am a very good listener. Sometimes just talking can make any situation better.

You can leave a message at or

Share your heart!

Smile for me,

Lisa Yerington, life coach


We are all addicted to something.


How are you today?

So, we are all addicted to something. It could be alcohol or some other drug. It could be chocolate. It could be a hand held game. It could be any number of things.

Addictions are habits we create to meet a need. Alcohol, drugs, comfort food for example, are all used to meet the need for comfort. We dull our sensations when we use or consume these things. We use them for variety in life. We also use or consume them to get a feeling of love and connection.

Did you know that you don’t actually need to consume that comfort food or use that drug to get the effects of it?

You don’t. All you need is to look at it. If you love chocolate, for example, just having that candy bar in your hand, is enough to give you the pleasure you desire? Yep! It is true. I know that is not enough to make you not eat it, but it is a fun fact isn’t it?

Addictions get in the way of meeting the needs we have in a positive way. When your addiction, what ever it may be stops meeting your need, you will quit the addiction.

How do you do this? You need to know the source of the problem. Self knowledge leads to self-confidence which leads to ability to change.

You need to truly understand your needs. What need are you trying to meet? What is being met by not changing? Using the leverage of avoiding the pain of the addiction to gaining the pleasure the new action brings.

It really is not as hard as it sounds. As long as you are honest with yourself, you have the answers in you.

Everything in your life is based on this very principle. When the answer comes, it is really exciting. Your whole being changes. You can feel a load lifting.

So, does this sound like something you would like to do? Any bad habits you would like to break?

It would be my pleasure to help you.

You may leave a message at or go to my web site

Take Care!


Lisa Yerington, life coach

Change your life in 47 minutes


How are you today?

So, in 5 steps and 47 minutes, you can uncover the reason you don’t make that desired change in your life.  Answer these questions:

Step 1: What do you want? What is preventing you from getting that?

Step 2: What will you lose if you don’t change? How will that feel? What will you gain if you do change? How will that feel? Who will you become if you do or do not change? How will that feel?

Step 3: What has to happen for you to get what you want and need? What actions could you take to make this change?

Step 4: What is your transformational process?

Step 5: Who can keep you accountable for this change? Who is in your life that already gets those kinds of results?

These questions when completely answered will turn your life around. Frankly, I just did this this morning. And boy did I have a revelation! I have had a big question for the last year. What to do? And today, I felt relief. I  felt a big weight lifted off my shoulders. I was so excited I danced in the kitchen, and was so eager to get started on my actions.

If you would like more information, leave a message at

Lisa Yerington, life coach


Happy Saturday

Hello Friends!

Well, I just want to wish you a happy Saturday!

I am working very hard for you! I hope to launch a special program soon. But first I have to do some chores around the house.

But I just want to remind you that I am always here for you! Well, not always, I do have to sleep.

Is there anything I can do for you? It would be my pleasure. I am a general coach. I like to help people with every day issues. Sometimes just talking helps. I know that sometimes I feel lost and confused, and all I have to do is talk and I sort things out. Sometimes we don’t want to talk to family or friends. Sometimes it is better if you talk to someone who does not already know you. Sometimes you need to talk to someone who will not pre judge or can’t because they don’t know your history.

Areas of personal experience include:

 Caregiving and the stress of that.

Loss of a loved one. I have lost both my parents. I miss them both terribly.

The impact of someone on drugs on the entire family.  My nephew and his wife are so lost, but I would never give up hope.

Just to name a few.

Anyway, I am pretty casual. I am not that get in your face and yell sort of coach. I could be if that is what you want, but normally I am pretty quiet. I mostly listen. I question a bit to get you going in the right direction.

OK well, that is all I have for now. I just want to let you know I am here for you.

Have a great day!

Smile for me!

Lisa Yerington, life coach

Happy Thursday


How are you today?

I hope all is well.

I just wanted to say hello.

So, I have a problem. I have so many things I want to share with you. It is so hard to pick a topic. So my question to you is do any of you have anything in particular you would like to talk about?

I would love to hear what you have to say. So, if you want to talk about just about anything, go to me face book page and leave a message.

Okay, that is all for today. I just wanted to say hello and wish you well. Take Care!


A monkey changed the world, can you?

The world is in pain.

We all see the pain in the world. It’s everywhere. The pain is not separate from us. We all see it. We all feel it.

World transformation

Transforming the world starts on the individual level and moves out into the world.

The 100th monkey syndrome

In Japan in 1952, scientists were studying wild monkeys. One day one monkey did something new. She washed a sweet potato before eating it. As time went on she continued to clean her potatoes. Other monkeys started to wash their potatoes. More and more of them cleaned their potatoes. Then in 1958, when all the monkeys were doing this, scientists noticed monkeys on other islands were doing it too. Now, there was no connection between the islands, and no monkeys had been transferred to other islands.

The evolution of consciousness.

Washing the potatoes was a new level of consciousness. When enough of them had accepted it, it spread from one island to another without any physical contact. We are all connected through consciousness, massive consciousness.

It only takes a spark to get a fire going.

We look at the world as a big. We see the world as a mess. We feel small. We feel powerless. Things may seem hopeless. But the world is our mirror. as we change, it will change.  When a small but significant number of individuals have moved in a new direction and changed their behavior  the masses moved in that direction. It may sound crazy, but if one monkey could change the habit of hundreds of monkeys, can’t we change the world?

What happened?

We have been sleeping. We have been in the dark. We shifted. Now, we are waking up. Our fears and distortions which had been previously ignored because they were too painful to look at are now coming into our consciousness. Problems that have been swept under the rug are now emerging. The time has come to heal the world.

Violence and terrorism

What causes violence? The individual feeling of powerlessness. Our own feeling of terror of not having control over our life. It is like a drowning person reaching out for anything to hold on to. It is in the world consciousness. You can see that, right?

Hate is growing.

People are protesting hate and violence, but what they are not seeing is that their protest is hate and violence too. We are becoming intolerant of intolerance.


If you have ever viewed the dawn from a very high place you know that the night first resists the dawn, seemingly unwilling to allow the light to expose the world. As it first peers over the horizon, the sun seems to shine directly on you, brightening a narrow band of the world before you. As the sun rises, more and more of what lies on either side of that band is illuminated. And as the dawn becomes a day, all around becomes clear. 

Transforming our world is like a dawning. Right now, we are miring around in the darkness. But with changing our consciousness, healing ourselves, a rush of insight will brighten a field of healing.

Our world can be transformed only if we force the dawning. We must do that, but to do it we need the help of certain teachers.

How are you to identify these teachers? They are not in one field of expertise. They are sprinkled throughout all professions. They are not those who entertain their students, though some are entertaining. They are not those who present well organized speeches, though some of them do. You will not identify these teachers by their style. Rather, you will identify them by what and how they get you to learn. These are teachers who teach you both substance and method. These are teachers who are interested in more than their discipline. These are teachers who demand more of you than you think is possible. These are teachers who demand you theorize, that you create understanding, and these are teachers who will show you how to do all of that.

World transformation is a difficult task. This type of learning is difficult to teach, but you must demand it from your teachers. This type of learning is difficult to attain, but you must demand it of yourself. It requires great effort from both of us; it is demanding and exacting.

Your knowledge will expand, but it becomes less certain; you will become restless, inquiring. Easy assumptions and comfortable prejudices will be challenged by doubt and concern. Conformist opinion will begin to be replaced by unpopular belief, apathy by principled action.


This is the throne of Odin, chief of the Norse Gods from which he could see all the world at once.

Climb to Hlidskjalf

I am starting a new 20 week program to transform the world I call Climb to Hlidskjalf. The program is designed to give participants an action to take every week.

100th monkey

I am doing this in groups of 100. Do you want to be the 100th monkey?

If you would like to be part of this program designed to transform your life to transform the world. For more information go to and leave a message.

I urge each of you to make the climb to Hlidskjalf. The climb to Hlidskjalf is long and arduous. The risks of the climb are many. But the climb is exhilarating, and the view is spectacular.

Your neighborhood.

I firmly believe that our world is a series of neighborhoods. If we all try to improve our neighborhood, we can transform the world one neighborhood at a time.

Yerington Peace Prize

If rescuing  the world is not enough motivation, I would like to offer my own little peace prizes. All you have to do is go to my facebook page and post what you did to bring a little peace, transformation or healing to your neck of the world. There will be one prize for every 100 participants and will be awarded quarterly.

One monkey made a change in the world, so can we.


Happy Saturday

Hello All~

I hope all is well with you! So, I have a big project I hope you will want to be a part of . I am going to work all day on it.

So, please check in with me tomorrow, Sunday July 9th.

Hint… we are not going to take all this violence any more!

In the meanwhile, enjoy your day.

Lisa Yerington, Life Coach.

Smile for  me!


Procrastinating or lazy?

Hello All!

Happy Friday! After changing my routine so many times this week, I finally figured out what day of the week it is. Whee!

Question of  day is what are you not doing?

What project or change in your life are you just not doing? What is nagging at you to do? It is there in the back of your mind? Is it a talk with someone? Is it that volunteer activity you want to do? Is it that book you want to read? Is it starting that business? There is something though, right? The diet. The gym. Bathing the dog. Cleaning house. What?

What does not really matter. What matters is that it isn’t getting done.

The next question is why are you not doing it?

Most people may say they are procrastinating. Are you procrastinating or lazy? Well, I think it depends on what it is. If the thing you are not doing is being put off until you have time, that is procrastination. If the thing you are not doing requires a lot of effort, then it is laziness.

The next question is what to do about it?

The answer to this depends on what you are not doing. If you are procrastinating, sometimes you just have to do it. You have to stop putting it off and make time to get this off your *to do* list. Stop everything and take care of it. Pay the bill, vacuum, go to the dentist or what ever it is you are putting off.

Laziness is a different issue. First let me say that laziness is not a bad thing. It is just a thing. Being lazy does not make you a bad person. You are disinclined and reluctant. Why? Because well probably there is a lot of things you have to do, and maybe you don’t see a lot of reward in doing it.

Procrastinating or lazy is makes little difference. Why? Because you will do something when it is important enough to you to do it.  It takes more effort to get over lazy, but you will if it is important enough.

Reasons for both procrastination and laziness:

It is hard. You don’t know how to do it. You have to make the effort to figure out how to do it. It is sort of like the homework you did not want to do as a kid. You had to study. You could not just do it. You had to read and understand a text book. UGH!

It is overwhelming. There are so many things that have to be done. What should you do first? What will help the most to accomplish this goal? Along with this is the desire for instant gratification. You want some pleasure out of your efforts, and you want it now. The more that has to be done the slower the rewards. Sometimes we just don’t want to do a thing because you just won’t get rewarded for awhile. But that ice cream, beer, nap they will make you feel better in a short amount of time.

Benefits are not clear. This is the Why? Why do  I really want to do this? I don’t want to. Or I don’t care. It does not seem important. There are no consequences if you don’t do it. It is not urgent. Things will just stay the same. There is no need to change.

How get around to it:

Make a challenge to your self.  Challenge yourself  to do it.

Make it a routine. Set aside  some time every day to do even a little of the task. Sometimes it just takes getting into a habit of doing something to get it done.

If it is hard, break it down into small, manageable pieces. I think one of the hardest part of anything you don’t do is that you see a lot to do. But if you make small tasks then it is a lot more manageable. All you have to do is that one small thing. Then you do the next small thing. Then it is done!

Rewards. It is really important to reward yourself. When get through so many of those small tasks, celebrate! Do something that will make doing those things worthwhile. This will help with the delayed gratification issue.

Enjoy! When you are all finished, enjoy the results of your  efforts. You did it! Don’t you feel great?  You did it and you did not let yourself down.

Determination: Don’t stop. Can’t stop. Won’t stop.

Need help?

Co achieve!

Remember if it matters to you it matters.

Lisa Yerington life coach here wishing you a great day and a great weekend.
