Living Large

10 pieces to an awesome life:

Piece one: Purpose. What is your purpose? What makes you come alive? Your purpose is found in your personal gifts and  is found in your heart. Do that!

Piece two: Desire and passion. How bad do you want it? If you really want it, don’t take NO for an answer.

Piece three: Stubborn, pigheaded determination. Don’t stop. Won’t stop. Can’t stop.

Piece four: Self-discipline. Over come your resistance. You need the ability to endure pain (the pain of moving past comfort zone and fears), willpower.

Piece five: Warrior. Nothing else matters. Think of athletes and members of the military. This is where you find your self-esteem, how you feel about you. It is how others feel about you.

Piece six: Motivation. Meet your goals. Fulfill your purpose. Conquer fear.

Piece seven: Hard, effective work. Maybe you have worked hard, but have not accomplished much if anything. You need focus, direction. Do one task at a time, no multi-tasking. Make a to do list. What is most urgent? Attack with speed of implementation and passion.

Piece eight: Integrity. Don’t lie. Don’t work with liars.

Piece nine: Boldness. Take a risk.

Piece ten: Find energy. Enjoy music. Believe you can. get 7-8 hours of sleep. Exercise 6 days every week. Limit alcohol. Limit carbs and sugar. Practice positive thinking. Take vacations. Give to charity. Live in the present. Don’t smoke. Socialize with winners.

If need help with any of these, I am here. Leave a message at

Let’s put these pieces together for your awesome living large life.

Do it!