It isn’t always how you react.

Hey Lisa Yerington life coach here.

So, have you ever felt down or bad and someone told you other people or things can’t determine how you feel that only you can determine how you feel? In other words, how you feel is your responsibility and not the responsibility of outside influences.

I say that is b.s.!

It is true sometimes, but it is not always true. Sometimes outside influences are so strong that you are wrapped up inside of the situation. Sometimes we have absolutely no control over the situation. That is when we feel desperate and hopeless. Do you ever feel that way? Do you ever feel that you can’t escape this negative situation? If you feel that way and tell someone, do they tell you that you need a positive attitude? Do they tell you to cheer up? How does that make you feel? If you are like me, not great.

If this is happening to you, and you want someone to talk to who will not dismiss your feelings, you can find me at:

Leave me a message.

My motto is co achieve, co answer.

Your problem may seem small in comparison to other people’s problems. Maybe you think you should not complain. But I am here to tell you, if it matters to you, it matters.
