Would you like to improve your life?

Hey Lisa Yerington life coach here.

Would you like to improve your life? Would solving your problems help you out right now? Well, you’re in luck because I am looking for 5 select people to work one-on-one with me, a life pro.

What’s your problem?

Do you need general coaching for every day issues?

Do you need financial training to get out of debt and have more money freedom?

Do you need relationship training to improve relationship issues?

What ever your problem is I can help. Not to be bragadociaous or anything, but I am pretty much the best. If you would like help, go to my facebook page and leave a message.



Free coaching!


Lisa Yerington, life coach here.

Drawing for free services:

There will be three winners and the prize is your choice:

3 hours of general coaching: Find answers to your every day issues.      OR

Free FIT ( financial independence training) No debt.  No budget. More money freedom. Don’t be part of the 67% who can not meet a $1,000 emergency.      OR

3 hours of RAT (relationship acceptance training) Reconcile. Accept. Together. Improve any relationship, spouse, parent and child, siblings, friends, co workers.

To enter just like my page: facebook.com/lisaylifecoach

Winners will be selected and posted on June 1, 2016.

If you enter and do not win, I want to offer you a special deal of 25% off  OR

if you are interested in any of my services, in honor of Memorial Day, sign up this month and get 25% off.

For  more information, go to my facebook page and leave a message.
