Do you really need months and months of coaching?

Life Coach Lisa Yerington here!


So, you need someone to listen, right? You need someone to help you to find the answer. You have done your research and picked *the one*.

What is the next?

Well, most coaches will give you a free session. They want you to be sure you have chosen wisely. They want the two of you to be a good fit. You decide you are a good fit.

Then what?

They may tell  you that you will need months of help. They may then tell you that what you need to do is to sign up for months of sessions. This is where fees are discussed. The figure is probably reasonable on a session by session rate, but you may be quoted a price for the next 6 months, and that figure is large.

Then what?

Well, when I have had people do that  to me, my first response is to sigh. I feel that that person is pressuring me to pay for services I don’t need. My good feeling about this person just shrank. Part of that feeling is because they tell you the price is going up. Act now or pay more later.

Now, don’t get me wrong. Some people do have complex issues that do need months of sessions. Husbands and wives considering divorce do need 6 months of sessions. Some people have an ongoing issue or concern in their lives that may take months to resolve. But I feel that most issues can be resolved in just a few sessions.

There are a lot of really caring and talented life coaches out there. But I urge you to not sign up for months and months of sessions if you don’t feel you need long term help. Maybe you do, and maybe you don’t.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Wishing you a great day!

If you would like a coach, and would like to see if I am a good fit, I am best reached at


Someone Who Understands


Life Coach Lisa Yerington here.

As we go down life’s lonesome highway
Seems the hardest thing to do is to find a friend or two
That helping hand
Some one who understands
That when you feel you’ve lost your way
You’ve got some one there to say I’ll show you

Life is certainly filled with ups and downs. There are times however that you feel alone. There are some things you just can’t share with any of your friends or family.


Maybe it is too embarrassing. Maybe you feel like the only person who has experienced what you are going through. Maybe you are ashamed. Or, maybe you know that none of your friends can relate.

So, when you can’t share it with friends or family, what do you do?

You suffer in silence. You go to a bar and tell the bar tender. Or you turn to someone who will listen and guide you to a place where you feel better.

What you really need it to get it off your chest. Right? That is where a life coach like me comes in. A life coach will show you the way.

You’ve got a friend in me
You’ve got a friend in me
When the road looks rough ahead
And you’re miles and miles from your nice warm bed
You just remember what your old pal said
Boy (Girl?) you’ve got a friend in me
Yeah you’ve got a friend in me

And with me, you don’t have to be embarrassed or ashamed.

So, if you need to have someone to talk to, and neither  friends or family will do, give me a chance to help you through it. I know down times, and I tell you it will work out. From my own experience, letting just one person know what is going on, may be all you need.

If you want to reach out to me, the best way is on facebook:
