Make a decision and caring too much


So, sometimes life feels so overwhelming. There are times when you get so overwhelmed that you don’t know which way to turn. Then so often we freeze and do nothing. Then we think about it. We feel guilty about not doing something. Then we feel overwhelmed some more. What to do?

Make a decision. Sit down. Take the situation one item at a time. Don’t worry about doing things in the right order. Don’t worry about doing the right first thing first. Just start anywhere. Things have a way of getting sorted on their own. Make a decision. It feels good. Now, if you need to, make the next decision. Now keep going. What you will discover is that making the first decision is a big step toward a goal.

Now, a thought about caring for others too much. Is there a person or persons you care about more than they care about you? When you care about others more than they care about you, you are going to have a lot of heart break. Get out of the relationship and cut your losses. I know it is hard to do this, but it really is the best. This sort of heart break only weighs you down. So, let it go.



My Motto

Hey everyone!

I just want to share my motto:


I believe that the answer to even the biggest questions in life are in you. I see my job as a coach is to guide you to that answer. Then, it is my job to give you the courage, if necessary, to follow through.


A Very High Place

If you have ever viewed the dawn from a very high place you know that the night first resists the dawn, seemingly unwilling to allow the light to expose the world. As it first peers over the horizon, the sun seems to shine directly on you, brightening a narrow band of the world before you. As the sun rises, more and more of what lies on either side of that band is illuminated. And as the dawn becomes day, all around you becomes clear.

Growing as a person is like a dawning. In the beginning, everyone mires around in darkness. Then through the labor of discovery, a rush of insight suddenly brightens a field of knowledge.

With the right coach, you will be challenged to do more than you think is possible. With the right coach, you will be challenged to theorize, that you create understanding. The right coach will show you how to do that. How to grow as a person is difficult to teach, but you must demand it of your coach. Growing as a person can be difficult to attain, but you must demand it of yourself. This action is demanding and exacting.

Your knowledge will expand, but it becomes less certain; you will become restless, inquiring. Easy assumptions and comfortable prejudices will be challenged by doubt and concern. Conformist opinion will begin to be replaced by unpopular belief, apathy by principled action.

I urge each of you to make the climb to this very high place. The climb is long and arduous. The risks of the climb are many. But the climb is exhilarating, and the view is spectacular.

Join me!