
Life Coach Lisa Yerington here

I would really like to interact with you. You can find me at


How is your Sunday?

I would like you to close your eyes. Imagine a bunch of river pebbles. Some of them are smooth. Some have more rough areas than others. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes. They come in a variety of colors.

Our lives are like these stones tumbled in the river of experience. We are broken, shaped, smoothed and  etched by each twist and turn. While life can be full of joy and rewards, we will always carry with us the marks of our challenges, transitions and losses.

You are like these beautiful stones polished and smooth, but bearing some marks, however small as evidence of the deeper challenges you have endured. The marks can remind you that you can not live and love without experiencing some transitions. But the polished surfaces can remind you of the promise of healing and the hope of your life ahead.

Everyone goes through tough times. Life is by no means easy. It has good times and bad times. Although it may seem endless, no bad time lasts forever. The best way to get through the tough times is to go through it with a friend. Sometimes, you need a neutral thinking partner.

What is a thinking partner? A thinking partner is someone who listens to you. They listen and ask questions. The two of you co-create the answer that is right for you. Then, they co- create a plan for you to follow.

I know it may be hard to believe, but I have seen many solutions come about by just talking about the situation. No, really, it does. I have seen it in my own life. I guess you could say that it is sort of like two heads are better than one. When you work with a life coach, you are working with a thinking partner. And you friend, are doing most of the talking.

I had a client say to me once that I did more for her in one session than hours of talking to someone else. Why? Because I listened. I did not try to fix the situation. I listened. I asked questions that led to the answer. Isn’t that what you really want?

So, if you want someone to listen, to be your thinking partner, let me know.

Now, I would really like it if you were to go to my face book page: Why? Because I am going to start a whole bunch of fun things where you can interact and get a few things off your chest. Yep. And soon, very soon, I intend to start offering free samples. Yep. You will be able to get a free session.

Try it! You’ll like it.

OK. Enjoy your day.

