Wisdom in the Corner

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This is what life coaching is all about. It is about two peers finding the wisdom that is already in your world, but which one needs help to find. So I present:

There is Wisdom in the Corner

Talk to me, talk to him, talk to her, talk directly to them, but remember…wisdom is in the corner… now listen

In the silence of a room, wisdom stirs upstairs. Contemplating actions, remembrances glare!

Wisdom lurks everywhere, just  waiting to be grasped! And hoping that you’ll see it, not to let it pass.

Wisdom gets you money, fame, or your heart’s desire. But it’s never taken seriously, No, wisdom stays in the corner.

In the darkness of the night while you lay awake in bed. Wisdom comes alive and stirs within your head.

Wisdom’s all around us, but we are blind to see. We pick out what we want, and throw back what we need.

Wisdom encompasses more, than we will ever know. It’s around us everyday, but we just watch it go.

When you’re feeling sad and blue and feel like such a loner. Remember there is wisdom near, it’s somewhere in the corner.

As a life coach, it is my job to help you find the wisdom in your life. It is there. If you need help finding it, let me know.
