Rear View Mirror


Just a reminder I am starting my life coaching business. I am on face book. You get a lot of the same information, and better yet it gives more opportunity to interact. Plus, I will soon be ready to offer free sampling. So, if you would like to interact or if you would like some help with anything, look me up at

You can never go forward looking in the rear view mirror. That is what life coaching is all about. Starting in the present and moving forward. So, stop looking at the past. Look toward tomorrow.

It isn’t to say that the past is not important. It is. But we can’t change the past. We can only work on today and tomorrow. I know the past is hard to let go of sometimes. It is for everyone.

I do get it. There may be some sort of hurt from the past. We have all been hurt. This hurt may still creep up every now and then. Shoot, it may show itself every day. Maybe it is the loss of a loved one. But at the end of the day, you have to ask yourself how does this matter today? When you lie down to go to sleep tonight, ask yourself, does it matter? Truly, it doesn’t. If you want help with this, you know who to ask. Me.

My suggestion is to release it. Close your eyes. Imagine God or an angel or your imaginary friend, what ever suits you, and imagine you have this hurt written down on a piece of paper. Now, fold it up, and hand it over to your God, angel, imaginary friend or even a bunch of balloons. Imagine this hurt being carried off. You watch it float away.  Feel relieved? Good. If this didn’t work, I have another method of releasing. But this is a very helpful exercise.

Now, stop looking in the rear view mirror. Look forward and put your life in drive.
