Happy Monday

Seeing that this was supposed to go up this morning, and  it is nearly 1 p.m., I am a bit behind today. It’s Monday after all. Actually, I have been busy all morning helping someone.

So how is everybody this afternoon?

I have to say, I love you guys! I am getting a lot of response. But web designers, enough is enough. I do have to say that I understand web designers wanting business. But I am really wanting to go this alone. Why? Well, I got burned by a web designer once. And this was a friend. They almost completely ruined my business. It cost me thousands to fix and unknown amount of lost business. Besides that, I like my web presence just the way it is. It is meant to be simple and maybe a little quirky. So, web designers, sorry, but I  am not in the market right now. I am not here to have a fancy web site. I am here to help people.

That said, I hope to have another location on the web this week where I will be conducting my business.

I don’t know how to respond to everyone. I do suggest that you go to my face book page and follow me there: facebook.com/lisay-life-coach. This  is where I feel I can more easily respond AND as I said before, maybe I can help a little with some sample coaching.

But please, no more web designers wanting my business.

OK, have a great day!