Face book is better


So, I am starting a new career. I have had other businesses. Now, I want to help people in a different more personal way. I would be really happy if people get help, maybe an *aha* moment from something I say. That would be great. Maybe I will find clients for my life coaching business.

I am still becoming certified right now. But it never hurts to start getting the word out.

I could really use your help. I have a face book page. It is very similar to this blog. It has most of the same, and additional thoughts. So, if you like this, perhaps you would *like* my face book page? It is facebook.com/lisay-life-coach.

Besides getting my name out there, the face book page gives more opportunity for interaction. You can more easily tell me what is on your mind, and I can more easily respond.

Bonus is I can offer free samples on face book as well. So, it you like face book, I hope you will check it out.


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