
Life Coach Lisa Yerington here

I would really like to interact with you. You can find me at


How is your Sunday?

I would like you to close your eyes. Imagine a bunch of river pebbles. Some of them are smooth. Some have more rough areas than others. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes. They come in a variety of colors.

Our lives are like these stones tumbled in the river of experience. We are broken, shaped, smoothed and  etched by each twist and turn. While life can be full of joy and rewards, we will always carry with us the marks of our challenges, transitions and losses.

You are like these beautiful stones polished and smooth, but bearing some marks, however small as evidence of the deeper challenges you have endured. The marks can remind you that you can not live and love without experiencing some transitions. But the polished surfaces can remind you of the promise of healing and the hope of your life ahead.

Everyone goes through tough times. Life is by no means easy. It has good times and bad times. Although it may seem endless, no bad time lasts forever. The best way to get through the tough times is to go through it with a friend. Sometimes, you need a neutral thinking partner.

What is a thinking partner? A thinking partner is someone who listens to you. They listen and ask questions. The two of you co-create the answer that is right for you. Then, they co- create a plan for you to follow.

I know it may be hard to believe, but I have seen many solutions come about by just talking about the situation. No, really, it does. I have seen it in my own life. I guess you could say that it is sort of like two heads are better than one. When you work with a life coach, you are working with a thinking partner. And you friend, are doing most of the talking.

I had a client say to me once that I did more for her in one session than hours of talking to someone else. Why? Because I listened. I did not try to fix the situation. I listened. I asked questions that led to the answer. Isn’t that what you really want?

So, if you want someone to listen, to be your thinking partner, let me know.

Now, I would really like it if you were to go to my face book page: Why? Because I am going to start a whole bunch of fun things where you can interact and get a few things off your chest. Yep. And soon, very soon, I intend to start offering free samples. Yep. You will be able to get a free session.

Try it! You’ll like it.

OK. Enjoy your day.



Happy Sunday!

Life Coach Lisa Yerington here


Just wishing everyone a very happy Sunday. Anyone else wish it was still Saturday? I do.

So, once again I want to say for those of you who genuinely like this blog I am really glad you like it. I like it too. I have to say I am not very good at the technical stuff. So, I get a lot of comments that are just trash and spam. I changed the settings so I hope that helps.

A note about the comments is that if you really want to comment on it,  great! I want to hear from you. But the only way I can think of to respond to comments is through face book. So, I really wish that if you like this you would like my facebook page:, and we can interact there.

I would be happy help a few of you there as well.

I am going into the coaching business to build up people. As I said before my motto is coachieve, coanswer.

I have an endless idea of topics. But if you have anything you would like me to talk about, like my facebook page, and let me know.

OK, well, I am missing the football game, but I wanted to check in with you all. Have a great rest of your Sunday!

To those of you who think this post is boring, hey, this blog has many purposes. Sometimes it is just to chat about nothing except how I want to be of service to others. And I really think that facebook is better than this blog.


Life coach Lisa Yerington


Catch a Wave (and you’re sitting on top of the world)

life coach Lisa Yerington here for more interaction check out


How are you? Sorry I missed a couple of days!

So, have you ever had a dream with a large wave coming right toward you? I have. I have always been afraid because I thought I was about to be swept out to sea. But then the dream ends before anything happens.

Well, life can be like that. The wave represents that which we feel is blocking us from our goals. It represents the reasons to not take action.


What is your move when faced with a wave? Are you feeling resistance, doubt or uncertainty? That’s normal. Wanting change or going in a new direction can be very scary. Committing to anything is daunting. You worry about losing everything. Or, you feel that you will do serious damage to the life you have. You are afraid of losing all the ways you have made your life comfortable and safe. When I dream about this big wave, I often run down the beach trying to get away. Yikes!

But really one should not be afraid of the wave. When facing a wave one can go over it, under it, and end up in a big open ocean. Or we can ride it to shore. So the question is are you going to back away from the wave or are you going to conquer it? Is that what you are doing?


I think the best thing to do is ride it to shore.  That is, move forward on the path to the life you really want to have. If you are sitting there thinking of all the reasons you have not to act, then I say stop resisting. Get out there and ride the wave to your dreams.


Are you backing down from the wave? Or are you ready to step up to the challenge and get what you want.

If you want a life coach to get you on that wave, to ride that wave,  let me know.

Surf’s up!

Wisdom in the Corner

If you want to interact, join me at

This is what life coaching is all about. It is about two peers finding the wisdom that is already in your world, but which one needs help to find. So I present:

There is Wisdom in the Corner

Talk to me, talk to him, talk to her, talk directly to them, but remember…wisdom is in the corner… now listen

In the silence of a room, wisdom stirs upstairs. Contemplating actions, remembrances glare!

Wisdom lurks everywhere, just  waiting to be grasped! And hoping that you’ll see it, not to let it pass.

Wisdom gets you money, fame, or your heart’s desire. But it’s never taken seriously, No, wisdom stays in the corner.

In the darkness of the night while you lay awake in bed. Wisdom comes alive and stirs within your head.

Wisdom’s all around us, but we are blind to see. We pick out what we want, and throw back what we need.

Wisdom encompasses more, than we will ever know. It’s around us everyday, but we just watch it go.

When you’re feeling sad and blue and feel like such a loner. Remember there is wisdom near, it’s somewhere in the corner.

As a life coach, it is my job to help you find the wisdom in your life. It is there. If you need help finding it, let me know.



Rear View Mirror


Just a reminder I am starting my life coaching business. I am on face book. You get a lot of the same information, and better yet it gives more opportunity to interact. Plus, I will soon be ready to offer free sampling. So, if you would like to interact or if you would like some help with anything, look me up at

You can never go forward looking in the rear view mirror. That is what life coaching is all about. Starting in the present and moving forward. So, stop looking at the past. Look toward tomorrow.

It isn’t to say that the past is not important. It is. But we can’t change the past. We can only work on today and tomorrow. I know the past is hard to let go of sometimes. It is for everyone.

I do get it. There may be some sort of hurt from the past. We have all been hurt. This hurt may still creep up every now and then. Shoot, it may show itself every day. Maybe it is the loss of a loved one. But at the end of the day, you have to ask yourself how does this matter today? When you lie down to go to sleep tonight, ask yourself, does it matter? Truly, it doesn’t. If you want help with this, you know who to ask. Me.

My suggestion is to release it. Close your eyes. Imagine God or an angel or your imaginary friend, what ever suits you, and imagine you have this hurt written down on a piece of paper. Now, fold it up, and hand it over to your God, angel, imaginary friend or even a bunch of balloons. Imagine this hurt being carried off. You watch it float away.  Feel relieved? Good. If this didn’t work, I have another method of releasing. But this is a very helpful exercise.

Now, stop looking in the rear view mirror. Look forward and put your life in drive.




Bull Riding

So, if you are looking for some help, join me at and I will be offering free samples.

Bull riding is a short term adventure. Sure, there is a lot of anticipation of a long ride. But bull riding only lasts 8 seconds at best.

Bull riders get no where. They think this time I will ride that bull longer, but the bull always bucks that rider right off. The rider dusts off his jeans and prepares for the next ride. But what the rider does not seem to understand is that everyone knows it is bull riding and they don’t expect anything more than a few seconds of entertainment.

My suggestion is to stop bull riding. It gets you no where. Truth carries you as far as you want to go. Then you don’t need a clown to get the bull from stomping on you.


Happy Monday

Seeing that this was supposed to go up this morning, and  it is nearly 1 p.m., I am a bit behind today. It’s Monday after all. Actually, I have been busy all morning helping someone.

So how is everybody this afternoon?

I have to say, I love you guys! I am getting a lot of response. But web designers, enough is enough. I do have to say that I understand web designers wanting business. But I am really wanting to go this alone. Why? Well, I got burned by a web designer once. And this was a friend. They almost completely ruined my business. It cost me thousands to fix and unknown amount of lost business. Besides that, I like my web presence just the way it is. It is meant to be simple and maybe a little quirky. So, web designers, sorry, but I  am not in the market right now. I am not here to have a fancy web site. I am here to help people.

That said, I hope to have another location on the web this week where I will be conducting my business.

I don’t know how to respond to everyone. I do suggest that you go to my face book page and follow me there: This  is where I feel I can more easily respond AND as I said before, maybe I can help a little with some sample coaching.

But please, no more web designers wanting my business.

OK, have a great day!




Face book is better


So, I am starting a new career. I have had other businesses. Now, I want to help people in a different more personal way. I would be really happy if people get help, maybe an *aha* moment from something I say. That would be great. Maybe I will find clients for my life coaching business.

I am still becoming certified right now. But it never hurts to start getting the word out.

I could really use your help. I have a face book page. It is very similar to this blog. It has most of the same, and additional thoughts. So, if you like this, perhaps you would *like* my face book page? It is

Besides getting my name out there, the face book page gives more opportunity for interaction. You can more easily tell me what is on your mind, and I can more easily respond.

Bonus is I can offer free samples on face book as well. So, it you like face book, I hope you will check it out.




Your customers are hiding.
Your prospects are hiding.
You are hiding.
All of us are.
Hiding from change. Hiding from responsibility. Hiding from the prospect of feeling foolish.
We hide by avoiding things that will change us. We hide by asking for reassurance. We hide by letting someone else speak up and lead.
We live in fear of feelings.
We’re lucky enough that the things we used to fear don’t happen so often any more, so now we fear feelings.
We will rationalize in extraordinary ways to avoid coming out of hiding.
When in doubt, look in the hiding places.
Olly, olly, oxen free~

Let’s stop hiding.