How bad do things have to get in your relationship in order for you to make changes? Do you stay and suffer? Stay and accept? Or leave?
Stay and suffer is very different than staying and accept. If you stay and suffer, you find yourself turning to alcohol or other numbing agents to mask the pain you are dealing with. You may even turn to another person to find comfort. Stay and accept, is when you turn a blind eye and focus only on the good times while ignoring the real issues. Those are just examples of what you could be doing when you stay in an unhealthy relationship but it is not true for everyone.
I would not suggest to anyone that leaving their partner is the way to go unless they are in an abusive relationship. Even still abuse can show itself in many different forms. You have to decide what is right for you because you are the one that is living your life. If you have children then you have to think about the ramifications that it will have on your child(ren) whatever your decision is. That is why it is so important to set the standards in the beginning and stick to them before you bring children into an unhealthy situation.
You have to be willing to ask for what you need and also be willing to do the same for your partner in return. You have to make the choice to break the cycle and set standards.