
Spirituality binds you with your soul. You become self-aware, self-accepting, self-forgiving. Everyone has their own definition but one thing that I find true is that It serves as a moral compass for how you treat others and it forces you to be true to yourself. Spirituality allows you not to judge others but to let the higher being and power decide. No one is perfect therefore we cannot and should not judge. The devotion and strength of your relationship with your spirituality shows itself in many different forms. You find peace with yourself and the mishaps you made in life which fuels a desire for posItive change. You are at peace with others which is not to be confused with accepting bad behavior, it’s being accepting of others where they are in their journey. Bad behavior in itself is determined by each persons beliefs and should not be used to demoralize others. You limit yourself when you choose to only accept those that believe the same as you. You have to be as open and forgiving as you would want others towards you.

How connected are you with your spirituality? Regardless of your religious belief, are you living your life being one with your spirituality being accepting and loving towards all put here on earth? Are you judgemental?

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