“True friends are those who came into your life, saw the most negative part of you, but are not ready to leave you, no matter how contagious you are to them.”
― Michael Bassey Johnson
Be careful who you share yourself with or it can eat away at your soul. Take the time to know someone for who they are– get to know their character. You are not their “ride or die” when you are riding alone. Do not be with anyone, friend or lover based on what you believe to be their “potential”. You have to work with what is directly standing before you. That is exactly where they are in their journey and that potential can go left when you thought it was going to go right.
You meet someone and fall in love then you are devastated when you turn around and they have betrayed you. Did they tell you about their past relationships? Did you invest the time to see If they have grown and learned from their mistakes? Everyone changes when they are ready. Are you going to be there for them until they get on track? That is if they decide to get onto the track. You do not and cannot enforce change onto someone who is not ready and fully invested.
You meet someone that you completely connect with and everything is going great– you found your BFF, then you realize that everything that you shared with them is now public information. Do they tell you intimate details of their previous friends or relationships that were supposed to be sacred, regardless of a falling out? It is not because they trust you that much to share, it is because they did not value ones trust in them enough to keep it sacred. Why would you be different?
When people show you who they are you cannot be disappointed when they continue the pattern. You are not that special to them to change who they are. They have to realize their own flaws in order to make change.
The people that are meant to be there for you will show you their character and maturity by having empathy, discretion and respect for your relationship with them and relationship with others — even if the relationship ends. The people that truly love and understand you will never leave or forsake you regardless of distance or time. Choose your relationships wisely and as always, the choice is yours.
Jamillah Foulkes~Empower U